Chapter 7.

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Emmaline and Aubin walked out of the restaurant, hand in hand. His sister had left earlier that evening, as she had planned to meet a colleague, from what Emmaline had discovered were her own scientific research and development company, elsewhere. The night had consisted of deeper discussions about British politics. Joanna had a clear passion for it and had discussed it with Emmaline up until the point where she was exasperated of the subject.

"Your sister is passionate about politics..."

Emmaline looked up at Aubin as she said this, her eyes scanning his face as he thought.

"Yeah, she is...I am happy that you both had something to talk about."

"You know, a little fair warning would have gone a long way. I was as stiff as a board."


Emmaline looked at him expectantly. As his hesitance prolonged, her face changed to uttermost dismay, and she playfully hit him on his arm.

"This is where you tell me that I, in fact, wasn't stiff!"

"You want me to lie to you?"

He grinned at her light-heartedly, she scowled in response.

"I'm joking Emmaline, you were... great."

The slight tone of disbelief in Aubins voice caused her to look at him intensely. She could see he was in deep thought, preparing to say something else, so she waited.

"I know Joanna can be difficult to get along with. If you think I'm reserved, Joanna is reclusive. When she entered my life it took a while for her to even warm up to me, and I am her brother. Don't take her with-drawn temperament as hostility, she can't help it."

"No I completely understand, and I am grateful to have met her. It was great to meet her and see what you are like around her."

Aubin didn't respond to this. She took this as a sign that he was deep in thought again and didn't say much more. They walked in silence down the streetwalk, the awaiting car still a long-distance away.  This area of New York was much more unruly than the area in which she lived. The street noises varied from loud televisions playing out through open windows to boisterous noises from large groups of men and teenagers. Emmaline and Aubin, in dress sense, noticeably stood out from the settings of the street; and although this was the case, when she looked at Aubin, he walked with such comfort - as if this was his home.

The ease in which he walked led Emmaline to return to one of her previous thoughts. What did this place, and the restaurant, mean to Aubin? Was he showing her another part of him, a part that she was supposed to recognise and acknowledge herself? She was on the verge of voicing her curious thoughts when a hooded figure stepped in front of them.

Aubin immediately pulled Emmaline behind him, obscuring the figure from Emmaline even further.

"Excuse me. Is there a problem?"

Aubins arched a thick brow as he spoke and his hold on Emmaline remained steady.

"You forgot about us eh? You're a hot-shot now. But we haven't  forgotten who you are, and what we know..."

The raspy male voice unnerved her. She stood trembling behind Aubin, anxiety coursing through her veins. With her hand firmly gripping Aubin's arm, she desperately fought the urge to turn around and run in the opposite direction. Who was this man, and what did he want from them?

"I'm sorry, who are you?"

Aubin spoke loudly, his voice clearly suspicious and weary.

"You got yourself a missus now too no? Maybe I can have a turn with her? See what the hype is about."

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