Nothing But Love

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The seventy-two hours that followed had been heart wrenching for Aida. She had been allowed a brief visit with Levi, but true to form, JoAnn, incensed, had returned shortly and caused such a ruckus that the police had shown up. Everyone had agreed it was best for Aida to leave. So, tail between her legs, she had gone back to her parent's home and had been curled up on her bed ever since. Her parents had tried their best to comfort her, even her father, but there were no words, no gesture, that eased the pain and guilt in her heart and mind.

Finally, another call had come, this time from Hopper. He had asked her to come back to the hospital. Levi had emerged from the medically induced coma, and the first word he had spoken was "Aida". Though it had taken an act of God followed by one from Congress, JoAnn had reluctantly agreed to allow Aida visitation without objection. The ride to the hospital was not a long one, but many thoughts raced through Aida's mind. Her heart was heavy with emotion.

Aida felt like she was walking to her own death, and in a sense, she was. All she wanted was to see him, touch him...although she had no idea what she would say. Hopper was waiting for her by the waiting room.

"Thanks for coming again." He hugged her, his face ragged and worse for the wear from days at his brother's bedside.

Aida nodded and took a breath. Like déjà vu, JoAnn emerged from the room.

"He keeps asking for you," JoAnn admitted, still not happy, through pursed lips.

"I just want to see him," Aida began. "That's all I want. Mrs. Hudson, I don't want any trouble. Please."

JoAnn moved out of the way and motioned with an outstretched arm for Aida to enter the room behind her.

"Be my guest. It's not like he's going to get up and walk out here to you." She took one last dig at Aida.

Aida understood her pain.

"Thank you."

"It is not for you. Trust me, Aida Morris. This is not for you and your guilt. It is for my Levi."

Biting her lip, Aida made her way inside. She approached the bed. His face looked a little better than the last time she had seen him. His eyes were still closed, so she pulled up a chair. The only sound was the steady beep of the machines. Aida studied him. He was still not out of the woods yet, and she knew it. They were all fully aware of that fact. The colorful tattoos that once proudly adorned his right arm and torso were now gone, replaced by full thickness skin graft, taken from his remaining healthy flesh. The full thickness graft posed more risk than the standard split thickness graft, but the medical providers had been confident the former was the right choice, due to the extensive nature of Levi's injuries. His left side still looked normal. If she could ignore the smell and the surroundings, Aida could pretend that they were back in Las Vegas, and that morning, instead of freaking out and running away, she would have followed her heart and been with the man she loved. Sighing, she gently rested her head on his left chest, lulled by the sound of his heartbeat.

"Aida," he struggled to whisper after a few minutes.

Aida raised her head slowly, tears filling her eyes. It was the sweetest sound, as if God Himself had answered every one of her prayers.

"Levi!" She called his name with a mix of relief and excitement.

"Thank you for coming," he managed to mouth.

She knew he was in intense pain, even just lying there.

"There is no place I'd rather be," she assured him. "You scared me. You scared all of us."

"I, I'd be in Texas..."

Aida shook her head.

"I'm so sorry. I messed up, Levi. I messed everything up. These past few months have been the happiest I have had in a long time. Every moment with you was better than the one before it. And I never wanted our time to end. I am so sorry for leaving you and for ruining Vegas. I wasn't honest with you. I wasn't even honest with myself. I fell for you and I got scared."

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