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So hello everyone!!
This is not a chapter as you have already understood lol.
I got tagged by LovieDovieFan
Thank u soo much!! I appreciate it!💕💕

Okay and now, let's do the tag hehe~

Hmm it's a "would u rather" one!!Cool!!!

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Hmm it's a "would u rather" one!!


1. Read minds or see in to the future.

-Well I'd really like to see what is it inside people's minds but I believe that being aware of your future is more preferable since you can avoid taking some decisions if you already know what the consequences are. So my final choice is to see in to the future. :)

2. Sneeze all the time or hiccup all the time.

-I would definitely choose to sneeze all the time. I hate hiccuping!

3. Know when you'll die or know how you'll die.

-Hmm. I'm not sure. I mean, knowing how you'll die is really interesting. But knowing when you'll die is more important. I really don't know. I think that I would choose to know how I'd die though.

4. Own a private island or own a private jet.

-Of course, I would choose owning a private island!

5. Wear the same clothes for a week or not shower for a week.

-I can't live without taking a shower for a week! It's really relaxing and after that you feel so good! I'd definitely choose to wear the same clothes for a week. Hmm. I think I've already done it lol.

6. Lose your sense of smell or lose your sense of taste.

-I don't know. Both senses are extremely important! However I think that losing my sense of smell would be less detrimental than losing my sense of taste.

7. Never be able to speak again or never be able to stop taking.

-I don't like talking so much so I'd choose the first one.

8. Be Batman or be Spider-Man.

-I love anything is dark! So of course I'd choose to be Batman!! :)

9. Lose all important documents or lose every pic you've ever taken.

-I don't take many pics. I mean, all the pics in my photo gallery are kpop idols lol. So I'd choose to lose all the pics I've ever taken.

10. Put a stop to war or end world hunger.

-Okay that's really hard. But hunger is a war's consequence. So I think that putting a stop to wars is the best choice.

11. Age only from the neck up or age only from the neck down.

-Okay... I have no idea! Maybe... Maybe I'd choose the 2nd one? Idk

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