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Jakes POV
I was walking down the hall when I saw Justin messing with a girl. He always does this. She looks new so I decided to help her out since he was messing with her. I walked up to them. "Hey Justin" I yelled. "What do you want Jake" he rolled his eyes. "Leave her alone"I said pointing to the girl. She looked at me with her eyes widened. "Whatever dude" he walked away and bumped my shoulder.

"Thanks but I didn't need your help"she said opening her locker. "Looks like you did. He's the biggest douche bag so I was just looking out for you" I explained. "Thanks" she blushed. I thought that was cute so I laughed. "Why are you laughing"she smiled. "Cause I'm making you blush"I said. She blushed even more as she fiend hiding her face. "It's ok it's kinda cute" I said. "Okay stop my cheeks can't take this" she said. I laughed."well I'll see you around. Wait what's your name?" I asked. "MAYRIN" she said. "Well I'm jake nice to meet you" I said. "You too" she blushed. "Well I'm going to head to 1st so bye" she said. "Me too"I replied. Then we started the same direction. "Well that's awkward"I said. "Yeah" she said and laughed.

"What do you have"I asked "umm I have science " she said rolling her eyes. "Oh same here" I replied. "Oh great" she said sarcastically. I put my hand to my heart as if I were offended. "RuDe" I said. She laughed.

Mayrins POV
We walked to class and sat down next to each other. The class was talking until the teacher came in. "Ok class settle down." They quieted down slowly. "My name is mrs. Smith and I will be your science teacher this year." She said. "So I decided that we should do a project. The thing is is that it will last half of the year" she explained. "WHAT" the class exclaimed. "But you will have partners."  "And I will choose". UGH. "But it will be fun. You will have  fun experiments". "Whatever" I mumbled. "So let's see. Carmen with jace. Frank with Angie. Taylor with Maddie. George with Addie. Ethan with Emma and Jake with Mayrin" she said. That's no too bad. He seemed cool. And cute.

After class I caught up with Jake be for he walked out. "Hey so we're partners" I said. "Yeah so who's house are we meeting up at" he asked. "Ummm you're I guess"i said. I didn't want him to see my dad. I was scared he might hurt him or me. "Ok that's fine" he said. "Let me get your number. For the project."he said. "Or do you just want my number and not for the project huh?" I laughed. "Maybe" he said.

We exchanged numbers and talked a bit. "I'll text you what time you can come over" he said. "Okay"I said as I walked away.


"Um dad can I go to a friends house for a project" I said shyly. " is it a boy or girl"he said. "Girl" I lied. "Fine. I don't care as long as I don't see your disappointing face" h said. I walked out and grabbed my keys.
I was surprised he didn't slap me. got in the car and started it. I started to cry thinking about how mean my dad is and why my mom had to leave us. "Why does he hate me so much mom" I cried.

I pulled up to the house and texted him.

Me: I'm here
Jake: ok I'm coming

I walked up to the door and knocked on it. Almost immediately he answered. We said hi and he lead me to the room. We sat in the bed and I pulled out my stuff. A/n it won't let me change the italics sorry.

"What are you doing" he asked. "Umm getting the stuff for the project" I said like a question. "Are we really getting into it right away." He said. I was confused. What did he expect us to do. "Uh yeah what else do you want to do" I said. "I was thinking we could chill." He said with a smirk. ew. It was kinda cute tho not gonna lie. "Ok what do you want to do while "chilling"". I said. "Maybe. This." He said leaning in. My heart stopped. What. The. Actual. Fuck. I didn't know what to do. I stood there like an idiot. We looked at each other in the eyes. Our faces were centimeters apart. Until he closed the space. With his lips. He kissed me and I kissed back. It was passionate. His lips are warm and pink. He really was hot. But I couldn't. My dad will kill me. Literally. "Jake I can't" I said pulling away. "You're right" I am? "Um let's do the project" i said.

What the fuck.

Hey dude hope you enjoy this chapter.
There's bout to be boiling tea ☕️🐸
Duces ✌️

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