Chapter 5

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Yoongi: YA! y/n you're going to get fat if you eat all that do you know how much carbs you've been eating? You're going to look like a pig if you keep eating.

Jungkook: Let her be Jungkook. She looks so cute eating. Eat up my little chipmunk

Y/n: i don't care cause my metabolism is fast so i wont get fat.

Y/n POV: I started to blush after Jungkook called me cute. I hope i dont turn into a tomato.

Ailin- Yoongi leave my bestie alone and y/n do you have a fever you look like you're burning up.

Y/n- I'm fine I think it's just getting a bit hot in here.

Namjoon- I think so too we should start heading back home since it's getting late.

Everyone- Sounds good

Once we got home we said our goodbyes. I was about to go in when i realized i wanted to watch a movie but needed some snacks so i headed to the quick market near our house. I got some chocolates , water and chips. Now I'm set to watch a movie. I was about to pay when I heard a guys voice call my name .....

Tae- hey y/n what are you doing here so late? Oh right before you think i'm a weirdo im taehyung i live next door with Ailin and the rest

y/n- oh i was buying some snacks i decided to watch a movie but need snacks what about you?

Tae- I was going to buy ramen. I'm going to stay up playing video games. Wait for me so you don't walk home alone.

y/n- okay that's fine

on your way home

Tae- so what are you planning to watch?

Y/n- im planning on watching Mr. & Mrs. Smith

Tae- that's nice

after chit chattin i arrived home

y/n- thanks taehyung

tae- no problem

Y/n pov* i went to the kitchen and prepared the rest of my snacks in a bowl. Then i heard a knock on the door. Who can it be at this hour it's almost midnight. I as opened the door there was no one until............

Sorry for not posting often i will try my best to update the chapter. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Follow me on insta for edits: @ taehyung_wifey1 love yall have a great day🥰

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