Author's Note

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Yellow!!!My name is inky_girl10, anyways just so you know some things about me,I won't do any lemons or limes,but maybe a bit of fluff idk,also I will try to get  schedule  for summer  break,anyways enjoy the story  Inky people♥♥♥♥
(Btw this is my first book so please don't give hate comments I rather have tips,thank you) Also I will warn you there are VERY sensitive topics in this story, so I don't recommend anyone who has any of these problems  to read this..

F/f-favorite  food
F/c-favorite color
F/d-favorite  drink
Y/n-your name
Y/ln-last name
H/c=hair color
E/c=eye color
S/c=skin color

I will add more in a chapter if there are new things

Is This Called Inky Love??          ♤Human!Bendy♤ xReaderWhere stories live. Discover now