A Big Choice Pt 3

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●Bendy's POV●

I make a ink portal in the wall and appear in the music room "Sammy?! Sammy my loyal follower I need your help!!" I hear running and a demonic chuckle "~ Yes?! You need something senpai~?!" I roll my eyes "Yes I do." He walks over to me and giggles "~ finally I can be noticed! ~What do you need help with,my lord..~" I sigh and look down "one of my friends has the ink illness...I need your help to make some ink enter her soul." He replies giddly "~ Oooo time to do a ritual I see!~" I nod my head and growl "IF YOU HURT HER I WILL NOT HESITATE TO END YOUR LIFE!!!" Sammy puts his hands up in surrender and mumbles something that I couldn't hear,I glare at him and growl "whåt dįd ÿøü šay!?" Sammy gulps and replies "n-nothing" I chuckle and walk through the ink portal and appear back into the place where me,Boris and Y/n stay.
I immediately hear coughing from Y/n's room,I look over at Boris sitting on a chair and reading a book,then I say "it's gotten worse hasn't it?" Boris looks up and sadness fills his eyes "it has...I checked on her and.....ink is starting to cover her legs.." my eyes widen and I hold back a sob.N-No! SAMMY HURRY THE HELL UP! Just as I was thinking that Sammy rushes into our place and says "~My Lord..it's ready,get your friend." I nod and quickly run into Y/n's room,I immediately see the ink up to her waist "....don't worry toots,you're getting help." I pick up the sleeping Y/n in bridle style and quickly walk out to the main area,Sammy chuckles "~ahh so your friend is a lady friend...I see why you wanted to help her.." He pauses and glances at Y/n's body,he shakes his head "~we must hurry..seems your friend has the ink illness,I suppose this is the reason for this?" I nod my head frantically,and Sammy signs to follow him and he quickly walks out of our home and down a hallway towards the ink machine,then he says "~get me a needle Boris" I now realise Boris was following,I look back at him and he nods,he then turns down the hallway towards the table he was on before he came back to life.I quickly walk into the ink machine room,as Sammy starts up the machine.I then watch as he makes a pentagram and gets seven candles,then places them at each point of the star,as I watch him Boris enters the room and hands Sammy the needle.Sammy gestures for me to lay Y/n in the center of the pentagram,he starts to light the candles and I hand him 'The illusion of living' once he is done,he nods and pours some ink into the needle,he then walks over to Y/n and sticks the needle into her.Her body begins to twitch and we all start chanting...as we watch the pentagram glow red,a scream can be heard.

Okay I am extremely sorry for not posting a lot,I have been busy with school,as well as singing on my smule sing account (my username:bendy_gang1930|I do batim voice acting) as well as making some cosplays on tik tok (username:bendy_gang1930) anyways here is your chapter! Hehehehe its a cliffhanger >:3

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