Chapter 2

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*Hey my childs welcome to chapter 2 as I said at the end my last one I'm only adding certain characters from hetalia it would be to much to add all and I do NOT own hetalia or the characters I only own the story enjoy!! (Slight suggestive smut warning it doesnt say it just a warning)*

America pov

I woke up to something moving next to me. It almost felt like... a body?!?! My eyes shoot open to see Russia sleeping next to me. My mind whirled with questions.

Oh my god what happened?! Where am I!? What is he doing sleeping with me?!? Suddenly he woke up. His purple eyes landed on me. He smiled and got up.

"You slept well, da?" he asked. All I could do was wonder. What happened? I was deep in thought when he hugged me. I was about to argue, but I couldn't. It felt right, so I hugged him back.

As I tried to remember it all came back. There was a book and it had secrets about us all. Then I remembered it said I had an eating disorder. Well not that I had one just that my country had the highest rate of it. No one even asked if that effected me..

Except for Russia.. Soon we were all called out to the meeting room. Everyone seemed to have forgotten about that statement yesterday. Wow, now I know what Canada feels like.

"Who wants to read first?" Germany asks. A hand pops up and a grumpy Italian walks to him. "I'll read," he mumbles. He takes the book from Germany's hand and reads.

It looked as if he instantly regretted reading. His face went red and he just kept staring at the book. "Well, aren't you going to read?" a certain frenchmen asks. Romano looks up "y-yeah," he begins to read.

Romano is a nice country, although he is like Japan and doesn't know how to show it. So he shows it through anger.

At this Spain got up and ran to Romano, "OH LOVI~ I KNOW YOU'RE A NICE PERSON~," the Spaniard cries. I laugh a little, but was shut up by England. "What's so funny about that!?," he yells.

"I wasn-," I was cut off again by more yelling and then he started insulting me. Everything he said was true though. Soon almost everyone had joined in. All except for Prussia, Canada, and Russia.

I was about to get up and leave, but an arm wrapped around me. I looked up to see Russia. He was glaring at everyone who was laughing. Everyone had caught on to Russia's glare and stopped laughing, sitting back down.

Russia pov

I looked around, satisfied with that. I turned to the speaker, Romano. He continued.

Russia isnt as scary as he seems. In fact he is quite the opposite. He loves sunflowers and all he wants is a friend. He even loves someone in this room.

After the last sentence everyone was wondering who. During all their bickering I was able to sneak out. Once I was out I took my chance to hide. I didn't want them to find out.

I decided on hiding in an old room. As soon as I closed the door I cried. I didn't want anyone to know about that. Suddenly I heard footsteps and a voice. It was only one person though.

"Russia! Where are you! Please come out!," America hollered. I didn't come out though. What if they figured out I liked the nation and they sent him to reject me. I started overthinking. Just then the footsteps stopped.

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