Chapter Three

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The angry blond is about to stomp into his own room but stops when he sees the very emotional 13 year old hobbling down the hall. Looking like a confused puppy lost in a small room.

"Oi! What are you doing?" He shouts at him. The scared boy quickly turns to look at where the voice came from, but turns to fast and stumbles and falls on his butt. His face completely covered in fear and his body is shaking. Tears streak down his face and his eyes are puffy and red.

Bakugou sighs and rolls his eyes "get up and quit your crying."

A whimper is heard from Kirishima and he looks down. Frozen in place. He can hear stomps approach him and he noticeably flinches away. Bakugou stops and calms his slight irritation. He slowly crouches and uses the kindest voice he could muster "It's okay... I'm sorry I scared you..." saying this is harder for him than it seems "...come with me and I'll help."

Kirishima slowly looks up through his bangs and his red eyes shine with tears. He gives a small nod. Bakugou stands up and holds out his hand, to which the boy takes it and stands up.

Looking around, Kirishima sniffles and shifts awkwardly. Hand still in Bakugou's and he has his other hand pulled up near his mouth. He looks back up and his hair falls away from his face "w-what's your name?"

"Bakugou. Bakugou Katsuki." He says matter of fact. The boy nods and looks around again.

"Where am I?"

"The Yuuei dorms." Kirishima's eyes widden and he looks into Bakugou's eyes. Completely surprised and a small smile tugs at his lips. Even though he still feels like crap.

"You mean... the school? And so... does that mean... mean I made it here? Into this school? For hero's? In the future... I make it here to become a hero?" His grip on Bakugou's hand tightens and he turns to face him more. Eyes sparkling and a happy blush is on his face.

Cute. Bakugou thinks. He nods at the smaller Kirishima.
"Yep. And you become super strong and... manly. Lots of friends and... nevermind" he shakes his head a little.


A small chuckle is heard from the blond and it slightly startles the younger Kirishima. Bakugou clears his throat and looks to the side with his resting bitch face. Kirishima then steps closer to Bakugou and pokes his chest with his free hand.
"You're a faker."

Bakugou looks at him confused
"A faker? The hell?"

Kirishima nods and swings their clasped hands.
"Yeah. You are a faker. A fake mean asshole" Kirishima gives and innocent smile.

"Hey!" Bakugou frowns at him. Not sure weather to be angry about calling him an asshole or to be angry that he said he was a fake one. So he does neither "where'd that come from all of a sudden, eh?" He snaps, irritated.

The small boy just giggles and turns away again. Looking towards another dorm room door. A small mischievous look on his face but says nothing. His fear of the angry blond mostly disappearing. Bakugou rolls his eyes and tchs "whatever. Now, I'm damn tired. So either come with me and sleep or stay out in this hall alone."

The boys shoulders slump and he turns to Bakugou again.
"No... I wanna come with you" he shuffles closer to him again.

Bakugou just nods then leads him back towards his room. Hand still in hand and he opens the door and walks in. He flicks on the lights and closes the door once they are both in.
"Uhh you can let go now" Bakugou says to Kirishima. Slightly pulling away from the death grip the kid has on his hand.

The younger Kirishima jumps a little and pulls his hand back, giving Bakugou a sheepish smile
"Oops. Sorry" he says, scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah, whatever" the blond says as he walks away towards his closet. Kirishima just stands there looking around. Taking in the simplistic room and giggles at the small collection of All Might posters and figurines in the corner of his room.

Bakugou walks back over and drops two blankets and a pillow onto the floor "here. Sleep." Kirishima nods and shuffles over to the blankets and kneels down to lay them out. He's nearly done when all the lights shut off and he's left in the pitch black. He can hear the quiet sound of footsteps and then the creek of a mattress as Bakugou gets into his own bed.

He's scared.

Kirishima never liked the dark. It always felt so lonely and too quiet. And now that he is in a new place, a place he didn't know of, it makes it worse. He makes an effort to stay as silent as possible while he lays down and pulls the blankets all up around him. Hiding in them and closing his eyes tight.

Bakugou shifts slightly in his bed. Pulling the poofy and warm blanket up under his arms. As soon as his eyes close all he can think about is Eijirou. His Eijirou to be more exact. For as long as he's known him, Eijirou has never been one to just lash out. No matter how irritated or tired he was. And it was upsetting and troubling.

About twenty minutes pass and Bakugou is nearly asleep when he hears shuffling and then feels a tap on his arm.
"Umm, Mr... Mr? Can I sleep with you?... please?" A soft quiet voice asks. Bakugou let's out a small groan. He's to tired to argue so he just turns over so his back is facing Kirishima and grumbles.

The black haired boy climbs up and onto the bed clumsily and slips under the big blanket. He keeps his distance from Bakugou but is close enough to feel relaxed. He closes his eyes and snuggles into the sweet smelling pillow and soft blanket. The bed being so much better than the cold floor. A smile appears on his face as he slowly drifts off to sleep, snoring softly.

The consistent small snores relaxing and sending the angry blond to sleep not too soon after. 

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