Chapter Four

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Light snores are all that can be heard as Eijirou slowly lowers himself onto the side of Bakugou's bed. He smiles at the peaceful look his boyfriend has while he sleeps.

He's perfect, Eijirou thinks. The only thing ruining it is the fact that it is cuddled up to him.

Eijirou glares at the smaller version of himself. His eyes lingering on the raven haired boy for only a second before going back to Bakugou and he smiles. He reaches out to stroke his face and brush hair from his forehead soothingly.

"Katsuki~ I have a surprise for you... wake up" he says in a sing song voice. Quietly trying to wake him. Excited to give him his treat.

--- Flash Back ---

There is a blaring noise going off in Eijirou's right ear. His eyes snap open and he fumbles around to hit snooze on his alarm clock, but ends up hitting it off his table and it crashing to the ground.

At least the noise stopped.

With a groan, the red head sits up and rubs his eyes. He yawns and stretches before getting up to start his day. Eijirou's head is all foggy from sleep, or lack thereof, and he stumbles around to get dressed.

While Eijirou fumbles around looking for his tie, he thinks about the crazy dream he had last night. Cursing it for having messed with his sleep. He was already tired as it was.

He's looking for the tie when he realizes that there is a torn up shirt in the garbage next to him. He freezes.

It wasn't a dream. Holy shit, he thinks to himself.

He sighs and looks to the side with a grimace "fuck." After a moment to pull himself together, he finishes getting ready and heads down to the kitchen.

Eijirou feels bad for how he treated Bakugou. Knowing he was being unreasonable, he decides to make it up to him by making him breakfast. So Eijirou being Eijirou, he only knows how to make one thing. The one thing Bakugou taught him how to make. Pancakes!

So he gets right to it and starts to make fluffy pancakes and bacon. Eijirou always insists on having meat with every meal. That's his way of life!

Grabbing two plates, one for himself and one for Bakugou, he piles lots of food on both and grins. Proud of himself. Before he heads upstairs he cleans up and grabs some forks and knives. Eventually trotting up to Bakugou's room.

--- Flash Back End---

Eijirou hadn't expected his younger self to be snuggled into the back of his Katsuki. It pissed him off.

Eijirou shakes Bakugou's shoulder gently and whispering sweetly "Katsuki, baby~ wake up~." Bakugou slowly stirs and his eyes flutter open. He's confused and a bit disoriented as he turns to face Eijirou, crushing the little raven under his back. To which he scoots away and then sits up.

"Huh?" Bakugou questions through a yawn. Eijirou just giggles and pats his leg.

"Mornin' Suki~"

Before either of them says another thing, the small boy squirms and sits up. Rubbing his eyes cutely and yawning. Small tears pooling at the corner of his eyes from the yawn. He finally opens his eyes to see the situation and blushes a little when he sees Bakugou is only in sweat pants. His gaze goes to the original Kirishima in front of him and cowers away weakly.

Eijirou has a choice here. He could be mean and tell him he needs to leave, or he could gain his trust by offering him his plate of food and a smile. Unfortunately for Eijirou, he chooses the later.

"Hey, I'm sorry about last night. Can I make it up to you?" Eijirou asks with a smile. He reaches over to a table and pulls two plates of food off it and hands one to Bakugou and the other to his clone. "Both of you, I'm really sorry... Kat, I'm sorry" he apologizes extra for Bakugou when he sees his glare.

Luckily, Bakugou's glare softens and he looks down at the food
"You make this?" He asks. The raven haired boy is only staring at his elder while they speak. Unsure how to feel.

"Yep. Exactly how you taught me!" Eijirou chirps. Giving them both a toothy grin "and I only put a small bit of syrup on yours because I know you don't like sweet stuff!"

Bakugou gives him a pleased grin and takes a bite. Looking up and nodding at Eijirou with approval while he let's the small bit of syrup coat his toung. Earning an excited 'yeah' from the red and a fist pump in the air.

The boy however, is more hesitant on digging in.

"Are you sure it's okay for me to eat this?" The boy asks nervously. Eijirou sighs and nods.

"Go ahead. I made it for you" he lies. The boy still looks unsure when he takes his first bite. But soon enough hes looking at the other with a smile.

"It's good. Thank you."

Eijirou gives him a nod of the head and stands up, getting out Bakugou's stuff for school while the two eat quietly. Thinking this and breakfast are the least he could do with how he treated Bakugou last night.

((Okay. This is short but I wanted to get something out! Hope you like it and please comment with anything that comes to mind! I appreciate constructive criticism as well ^~^ ))

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