CHAPTER ONE: Descendants of Ink

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Mickey silently stepped from the portal, hopping down from his suspended place, landing well on both feet. Through the steps he took as the start of this mission, a creak followed. The mouse glanced at all of the posters on the walls, which were cracked and bleeding ink, screaming mystery. Every step made the floor creak so loud it made him flinch, as if thinking and believing the floor beneath him could break away at any second...

The sound of a door slamming alerted the mouse to life in this broken down studio, acknowledging the mouse of an abandoned cartoon. Mickey calmly continued on. Once he had reached the door, and the brass handle with fresh black stains turned, an overwhelmingly strong scent of ink blasted over him. Mickey couldn't help but gag, and then gasped silently.

In the corner, surrounded by swirly veins of ink, was a cartoon with devilish horns and a tail. He was aware of the unfamiliar presence, allowing his dark trail of thoughts to writhe into the veins that trailed and hung around him and the room, pulsing with dark energy.

Mickey started to walk cautiously, noticing the three-clawed mark which dragged across the walls at a higher height than Bendy's regular height to his arms. Three marks...

Amazingly, a hollowed sob broke through the stale air as the demon whipped around, still hugging its knees, glaring at the mouse. The demon had a heart shaped face, which was actually dripping ink on one side.

"What do ya want?" The black and white cartoon spat, wiping its shameful tears and shakily standing. "Let me guess. Here to gape? To find something?" His lips curled back into a snarl. "Well guess what, there's nothing to see!" The withered veins darkened considerably as Mickey stepped closer. Pressed against the demon's face was a look of hopelessness tinged with anger and sadness. The demon's fists balled into tight balls as he let a weakened growl in the back of its non-existent throat. And then, suddenly the demon's tense shoulders relaxed as he blinked, glancing at the mouse as if he had never even seen the Disney cartoon before. The veins instantly vanished, along with that personality.

Mickey took this chance and blurted, "What's your name?"

The demon stepped back, a sudden shy look on his face. "M-my name?" It bit its knuckle, thinking for a moment. Then, a slight smile appeared. "The name's Bendy! Bendy the Dancing Demon!" He bounced forward, and held out a hand. A little bit disturbed, the mouse gently took it and shook up and down. "I don't think anyone knows who I am, but that's fine!" It giggled. "It feels really nice to talk to someone again, now that it's away!"

Mickey's forehead raised a bit. "'It'?" He shook his head. "Anywho, I'm Mickey, Mickey Mo-"

"Mickey Mouse! Gee, you look a lot like I thought you would!"

The mouse tilted his head. "How do you... Know who I am?"

The demon pressed a stubby finger to his chin. "Hm. Good question, actually. I dunno!" Bendy gasped. "OH! Hold on, hold on..." The mouse watched as the demon scrambled to grab something from behind a board. When Bendy turned his way, the mouse saw a tiny statue of him, starring his red shorts and pie-cut eyes.


Bendy skipped forward and pressed it into Mickey's hands. "There ya go! See, I knew it was you!" The demon flashed a smile, but for some odd reason it seemed... Off. Brushing the mouse's silence aside, the demon flopped on a chair, and crossed his legs. "Soooo... What'cha doing here? I don't normally get much company."

The mouse felt uncomfortable. It seemed this demon enjoyed being in this run down place, which troubled him. With a small breath, the mouse answered.

"You do know you're living in an abandoned studio?"


Mickey gulped. "So, you are most likely forgotten, are you not?"

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