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Ruth POV


I turned back more time and mouthed 'Be safe' to the others. Although I knew I wouldn't miss them, I always felt like I had to take care of those under me. Turning back around and heading down to the man's car, I hopped in and buckled my seatbelt. I watched as he walked around the car and got into the driver seat.

"What about my stuff?" I asked monotone. I honestly couldn't care less.

"What about your stuff?" he responded, looking over with a smirk on his face.

Somehow... I seemed to like this guy already. ~~~~~**********************************************************************************~~~~~

It was all a luxury. The car, the house, the treatment. I'd completely misread this man. He was awesome. He made sure I was comfortable and offered me many things to make sure I enjoyed myself to the fullest. He told me before I went to my new room how he'd already known that I was only trying to protect the kids. He saw some type of protective and determined look in my eyes and he noted what I mouthed when we walked out.

I was in bed thinking about all of this at the moment. He didn't seem fishy at all about any of the things that he was doing for me. He actually seemed genuine about all of it which really surprised me. For what reason he was doing this, I did not know but I would enjoy the time that I had here.

He's gonna turn on you. How could you be so naive as to trust him that quickly.

I don't know but he has this settling aura that seemed to calm me. No worries though, I'll take care of us.

If we get hurt, it's gonna be all because of you. Why don't you ever listen to me? We wouldn't have ever been through this much if you would have just let me take care of it all.

If you were to take care of things, everyone around us would be dead.

"Hey, how's everything going? Is the mattress soft enough cause if not then..." he trailed off, interrupting the argument it and I were having.

"No no, we're.. I mean I'm fine" I responded back to him despite the yelling and complaining it was doing in my head. And honestly, I didn't want the man to worry about me too much. Everything was perfect and we were ok. It was just it's paranoia.

"Ok well, I'm just down the hall in my office, yell if you need anything." he said, moving out the way of the door so he could shut it.

"Wait!" I called out. I just noticed that I didn't even know anything about the man other than him being filthy rich. Just maybe I should get his name.

"Whats your name?" I asked.

"You'll know everything about me tomorrow when we do orientation." he said back, smirking. He then turned at looked at me one more time before shutting the for completely.

See, he's not that bad.

We'll see. But other than that though, shouldn't you be sleeping. According to the sun's location, it's about 2:30am Eastern time zone which also equals to be about 3 hours in total sleep including the amount of time it takes you to fall asleep.

Damn, thanks Einstein.

You are welcome South Sudan.

What's that s'pose to mean?

They are the least educated country in the World.

I just decided to ignore it after that because I was not about to be called stupid by another being in my head. I resolved to just staring at the dark ceiling. Maybe if I was looking at nothing, I would be able to think about nothing. And then sleep will finally come to me.

Well I was wrong. After a half hour just looking at nothing, I truly was just bored and not tired at all. Maybe I should just go get something that would make me sleep. Probably some warm bread or something.

Getting out of the bed I started to the kitchen but then I noticed.. I don't even know where the kitchen is! But I could find it. My own little adventure. Besides the man said that I should just go ahead and consider this my house too. I was going to be living here so why not.

Hey, do you think you could sniff out the kitchen for me?

I guess I could because I'm honestly kinda hungry.

My stomach growled.

Im really amazed at how you have more control over my body than I do. But anyways hurry and get to sniffing.

Just to correct you, it's OUR body. Not just yours. And in order for me to lead you there you have to give me control.


Like you did the last time when I had to save us. Just focus on letting that black mass at the back of your mind surface.

You better not do anything stupid or else.

Doing what it said, I focused on the black mass and willed it to move on into the surface. I then felt like I'd only felt one time before. I felt like I was in the backseat, watching through the windshield as my body moved on its own and my life carried on without me being in control.

I have to be on high alert just incase it does something that regular me might regret later.

Can you please just trust me on this one. Please... I never get to do anything and.. I just want a little trust. Just to eat.. Please?

A wave of guilt washed over me as it said that.

Ok, but please don't be betray me. Everything around me now has been unexpected and we're still new to this. So please, don't betray my trust.

Ok. I won't let you down.

And after it said that, everything went black.

I woke up with the sun out, a major headache, and on the kitchen floor with slices of bread, packets of shredded cheese, and butter spread out all around me.


*To be Continued*

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2020 ⏰

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