Chapter 3

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Minhyuk's POV
After we all finish dinner in the trailer, Kihyun asks us to guide him through the surroundings.  He wanted to feel the outside world and imagine what it was like.

We all went outside.  Kihyun was holding onto I.M.  I was in the back.  We showed him around, making sure to stay away from the forest and into an open grassy or rocky area.

We were walking and I.M was explaining the scenery of the ocean below to Kihyun.  I saw the caves nearby.  I decided that I would jump into them at the end of the trip.  I mean it was my fault Kihyun lost his eyesight and therefore, I should suffer and punish myself for his misfortunes.

Hyungwon's POV
We got back to the trailer after our walk/tour of the campsite.  I decided to go to bed.  However, there was a mess from the kitchen to my room so I had to move through piles of junk.  I tripped over a box and the contents came spilling out.  There was a bunch of lightsticks.

The light reminded me that the doctor said it was unfortunate that Kihyun couldn't see light as most people with cortical blindness can see light. 

A thought struck me like lightning.  Maybe one light isn't enough for Kihyun to see.  Maybe he needs more.  I could be wrong, but it doesn't hurt to try.  I mean anything could happen.

I gave up on going to my room and went to the living room.  The route to the living room was not at all crowded as Kihyun needed to pass through the living room to get to his room.  The route to Kihyun's room  was the only part in the trailer that was clean.  We didn't want him to trip or hurt himself.

We all got on the couch together.  Kihyun didn't go to his room as he didn't want to be the only one not in the living room.  The rest of us didn't go to our rooms because we couldn't get there.

Kihyun fell asleep and I.M almost fell asleep.  After Kihyun fell asleep, I told the members that I had an idea to get Kihyun back his eyesight.  I wasn't sure if it would work or not, but the members agreed to help because they wanted Kihyun to be able to see again.

We all left Kihyun to carry out my plan.

Kihyun's POV
I woke up and saw no shadows near me.  I groped around near me to see if I could feel a body, but I felt none.  I realized that the members had left me alone. 

I felt hopeless.  Maybe the members forgot about me or left me because of my blindness?  What if they're tired of taking care of me?

No don't say that Kihyun.  Don't think negative thoughts.

About 30 minutes later, the members came back. 

"Kihyun, we have a surprise for you," Wonho said. 

The members led me outside. 

A bunch of lights were turned on and I could see them.  I COULD SEE THE LIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I turned to the nearest person to me, which happened to Minhyuk.  However, instead of seeing a shadow, I saw Minhyuk in the flesh.  His features, his clothes, everything. 

I took the blindfold off.  Hyungwon was the first to notice.

"Why'd you take it off?" he asked.

"I CAN SEE AGAIN!!!!!!!!" I shouted.

The members were so happy.  We all had a group hug.  However, Minhyuk didn't participate.  I noticed so I went over to him.

"What's wrong hyung?" I asked.

"It's my fault.  I took away your eyesight and life for 3 years.  I don't deserve your love or affection," he said.

"Minhyuk, don't be silly.  I have my vision back and that's all that matters.  I forgave you a while ago," I say.

Minhyuk smiled at me.  "Thanks Ki."  We hugged and soon the rest of the members joined in.

And that's the end.  I hope you enjoyed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2019 ⏰

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