Chapter 14

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It was around 9:30 in the morning when I received a phone call from jade. She called to ask if we could catch up because she finished work early. I didn't even have to think about the answer.

Because she works as a nurse, her shits are uneven and all over the place. One day she could be working from midnight to the early morning and some days she could only work a couple hours. Today, however, she gets off at 10 and it's 9:50 now.

I was confident about a minute ago when I answered but now I'm slowly starting to freak the hell out.

I want to make a good impression even though We've already met, I want her to see me as more then just some lazy teenager so I make quick work of tidying up the flat. I'm usually very clean but since Aden moved it there's been a bit of a mess. I'd asked Aden to leave for the day and (after making fun of me a little) go hang out with Andrew.

I start by doing the dishes. I found out the hard way that Aden wasn't joking when he said he was messy. The flat is a complete dump. There are only 2 people in this flat yet we have enough dishes for people to think that there is a family of 6 living here.

After loading the dishes into the dishwasher, I begin to pick up the cloths and other things off the floor. I'm not even joking, there is so much crap on the floor, you couldn't actually see the floor before I cleaned it. I throw the cloths in the washing machine and I'm done. I must admit, I'm quite proud of myself. The house looks clean and I plan on keeping it that way. My room is always clean where as Aden tends to just dump cloths on the floor. Topical teenage boy I guess.

I walked over to the clock and saw that it was 10. She should be here in about 20 minutes. I walk over to my room to pick out an some decent cloths. I pick out a pair of black skinny jeans and a white shirt with some random song lyrics on them. I ruffle up my hair and take a look in the mirror.

"For once I don't look half bad" I say to no one in particular.

As I make my way to the living room, I hear a knock on the door. I rush over to answer it but stop in my tracks when I spot a random shirt hanging from the couch.

"Coming!" I shout out hoping she heard me. I grab the shirt and throw it in aden's room. I rush over to the door and open it. I immediately freeze and am stunned by the beautiful girl standing before me.

Her black hair was tied up into a messy bun. She was wearing a floral white polo shirt an some faded skinny jeans. She had on a colourless lip gloss and mascara to Finnish the look. I must have been staring because she coughed awkwardly and started to blush a deep red colour under my gaze. She looked so different when she wasn't in her uniform.

"Oh-uh, come on in" I open the door a little wider and extend my arm signalling for her to enter. She giggles and walks past me with a slight nod as a greeting.

Once we were both in the flat, I motion for her to take a seat in the living room and she gladly accepts. We awkwardly sit in silence for a bit before I break the silence.

"How was work?" I ask, trying to start some sort of a conversation. She gives me a shy smile.

"Never though id see you start a conversation" she laughs lightly. "Technically it's 'how was your night' but yeah, it was ok. Not much to do. You?"

"Haha yeah sorta instinct to say 'day' not 'night'" I laugh awkwardly. "My day hasn't really started yet so I can't really answer" I smirk.

"Pressure is on for me to make this a good day for you then ay?" She says playfully and I laugh.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I ask, feeling like that's something we could bond over.

"Sure. What have ya got?" She yawns. I have a feeling she might fall asleep and I can't say I would mind. With the hours she just worked it would be almost criminal for me to wake her if she does happen to fall asleep.

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