Tough one - vivi

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"Ahh there's no way I lost again!"
You looked at the crushed up piece of paper on your desk. This piece of paper was your math test and you weren't happy about it at all.

"I got 93 out of 100 problems, why did she get 94?!" Your brain was flooded with many thoughts and you didn't care about the weird stares sent your way due to how loud you were talking to yourself. The only thing you cared about was the fact that you lost and nothing else

"Aww cmon y/n. I just one by 1 point" your rival, Vivi looks down to you with a confident smirk as she purposely puts her test down next to yours "why did you have to come to my table out of all the other ones? To annoy me?" You glare at her and her two friends that just laugh at your irritated state

"Oh it's not like that.. we are rivals but maybe we could be friends too? Don't you think" she smiles at you and looks to you with fake eyes, well- there not fake but weird eyes I guess

"No I don't think so" You say and walk away to the rooftop of your school


You didn't notice that you had fell asleep until you felt some hands shaking you


"Schools over smartie. Don't you need to be home studying?" That voice was enough to wake you up. This time surprisingly her two friends weren't with her

"How did you know I was here, Vivi?"
You glare up at her since you can't really see because the sun is literally attacking your eyes, if not the sun you hate to admit, but it must be Vivi blinding you by her beauty

"I just knew. Hey, I know we're rivals but I just really wanted to thank you." Where is this heading to? Vivi thanking a roach like me? Wow this is unexpected

"Ever since we became rivals I wanted to always be better than you. So I study every day and night just so I could catch up with you. Ever since we became rivals my grades have been getting higher and higher" she sits next to you and hands you a can of sprite
"so I wanted to thank you"

She opens up her can and takes a sip
"Well. Same here" you say and open the can and gulp down the liquid

"We still have the remaining English test. I think you will win on the English test. You've always been so good at writing letters and stories" she smiles "thanks. I guess your not such a bad person Vivi" you say and hear her chuckle

"I was never a bad person y/n"

Next day

"Y/n! Here's your English test! You did great 99 out of 100" the teaches smiles at you and you walk back down to your seat

You hear Vivi being called. Surely, you got a better score than her.. right?

Your confidence dropped and your heart started beating loudly in your head

Vivi walks towards you and you lower your head when you see her score

"Aww cmon y/n. It's just by 1 point"
Vivi says and you can't help but say

"Vivi.. your a tough one"


A/n : well of course she's smart who do you think she is? But I feel bad for y/n looool 😂

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