kind Liar - heejin

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"Heejin, I know what I saw!" Jiwoo says as she holds onto her friends shoulder

"Ok ok. Even if it was true, I'm not into girls ok? You already know I like sonjin" Heejin said as she held onto her friends shoulder

"I know but isn't it interesting? A girl. Not just any girl, Kang y/n actually likes you... in THAT way" Jiwoo said and wiggles her eye brows. Jiwoo walked into the classroom, leaving Heejin standing there alone. That's when she noticed you standing a few feet away from her, talking to some friends

"Should I talk to her?" Heejin thought inside her head when she saw y/ns friend nudge her arm and look at y/n with a smirk

That's when y/n took a step forward and looked up to meet heejins eyes. Y/n took a deep breath as if she was collecting every piece of confidence she had and walked towards Heejin

"Hi Heejin" y/n says awkwardly "I think you already know what I feel for you" y/n says and scratches the back of her head while looking down

"Yeah, I know"

Heejin didn't know what to do. She had someone she likes. But she knows y/n likes her. Heejin didn't want to break y/ns heart. But she wanted to stay honest to her heart.

"I'm not asking you out on a date. But I just wanted to ask if you already have someone you like" y/n says and looks up to Heejin "because if you do, I'll give up my feelings for you and move on. I like you, so I want you to always be happy. So please tell me, is there already someone that you like?" Y/n asked Heejin in a shaky voice. Heejin knew that saying she did already have someone she likes would hurt her feelings.

She didn't want y/n to feel hurt at all.

If Heejin said she did have an interest in someone y/n would have to forcefully give up her true feelings. She would have to lie to herself and feel pain inside. If Heejin said no, y/n would stay honest to herself and Heejin could still like Sonjin without feeling guilty for y/n.

"I don't" Heejin said to y/n "I have no interest in anyone right now" Heejin weakly smiles to y/n.

"Really? So I can keep feeling what I feel for you?" Y/ns cheeks were slightly red and she had a smile on her face

"Of course. I'm thankful that you like someone like me" Heejin says and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear

"O-oh I need to go. I hope that I could talk to you again some day" Heejin said and walked into her class room

Y/n smiles to herself and swore to never feel affection for Heejin ever again.

Why? She lied for me. Everyone knows about how much Heejin likes Sonjin and yet, she hid her true feelings and lied for me

Y/n smiled to herself and mumbled

"What a kind liar"


A/n : do you guys have any requests? Because I actually take requests so feel free to comment if you have any~~
Thank you for reading ❤️🍎🌹❤️🧧📕🖍❤️

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