1 - New Guy

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Extract of Recorded Interview

Date: 16/02/200x

Duration: 17 minutes

Location: Ringsend Garda Station, Dublin, Ireland

Conducted by: Detective Inspector Maguire

Witness: Felice Carr

DI Maguire: You've been informed this interview is being tape-recorded. Suppose you start at the beginning?

Felice: I'm not sure where the beginning is. I'm not under arrest or anything? Do I need a lawyer?

DI: No, we just have some questions for you.

Felice: It's just, it's such a shock. It's the last thing anyone would expect.

DI: Can you start at the beginning, tell us how you all knew each other?

Felice: Well, we were friends. At least the three of us were, Spike, Kit and I. And then we met Tully.

DI: Do you remember the first time you met Tully?

Felice: Umm, I'm not sure, I mean it was five years ago and it probably didn't seem that significant at the time.

DI: Try to remember. Any small detail might be useful.

Felice: Actually, yes, I do remember. It was the night... Yes, Tully was new in town and Kit met him first.

DI: Kit met him first?

Felice: That's what I said.

DI: You're sure about that?

Felice: Oh, you've talked to Spike? Spike thinks he met him first, but he didn't.

Five Years Earlier...

In other parts of Ireland, there is a buoyant mood in the air, a sense of prosperity and new possibility, but Drimshanra never changes for the better. It's a dead end town caught in a vicious cycle of unemployment and hopelessness.

Friday rush hour crawls down the main street. Ignoring the angry honk of a horn, I edge my way through a purple haze of fumes, cutting between the bumper to bumper traffic.

My jeans and sweatshirt are plastered to my body as I push through the swinging door of More Video 4 U. My umbrella was no help. It never is. The rain in Drimshanra falls sideways.

When I see a stranger behind the counter, my heart sinks. It means having to go through a long explanation about how I should get the videos for free because Felice is my best friend and her dad, Axel Carr, owns the More Video 4 U chain.

The problem is new staff don't always believe me. They think I'm trying to put one over on them, so sometimes it's more hassle than it's worth.

"Hey, how can I help you?" The new guy is eager to please.

It's kind of sweet, especially since he doesn't know who I am, so it's not like he's trying to suck up to me. That's what inevitably happens, once Felice introduces me as her best friend, Kit Lawless, and tells them to remember my name and be nice to me.

"Just looking!" I scan the posters of latest releases to see if anything new has come in.

"A copy of 'Titanic' has just come back."

"Are you seriously trying to be helpful?" I roll my eyes and turn away.

Surely the whole world has seen 'Titanic' by now, and for Felice, Spike and me, once was definitely enough.

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