Chapter 5

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During lunch period the next day, Ethan and I, along with our friend Hannah were enjoying the only time of the day we get to enjoy free conversation with each other. Hannah was short, plump, and the voice of reason in the group. Though we had only adopted her into the group earlier this year, she quickly assumed the role of mother goose. "You're really gonna go there tomorrow?" Ethan asked, his mouth filled with some of the sandwich he had brought for lunch.

"I got nothing to lose." I said shrugging "Besides, I can just work there until I find a job with a less creepy boss."

"I still think it's a bit too dangerous, but if you're still gonna go, at least text us every two hours so we know you weren't kidnapped or something." Hannah chimed in. "Also, Ethan, don't talk with your mouth full, it's gross."

"Yes, mom." Ethan said in a sarcastic tone, biting off another piece of his sandwich "Hey where's Brant?"

"Probably in the computer room working on his essay" Hannah answered annoyed with Ethan speaking with his mouth full yet again.

"Aw fuck, I forgot about it. When's it due?" Ethan asked

"Next hour. You really didn't finish it over the weekend?" I asked

"No...I was gonna start it Friday but the whole forest ninja thing just completely threw off my grove!" Ethan replied throwing is hands up in the air. Hannah and I were about to tell him off when a voice interjected:

"I heard forest ninjas." Brant said, joining us at our table "Did you see them again?" Brant had been friends with us ever since childhood, and could be described as a sandy-haired mess, who, much like Ethan, was not a master of forethought, hence why he had been working on his essay just minutes beforehand.

"No, Brant." I answered "We were about to yell at Ethan for not finishing his essay"

"My dude, you better get that done soon or Mr. Heisenberg will have your ass" Brant scolded Ethan.

"Fine, fine." Ethan said defeated "I'll go work on it. How much time do we have left?"

The bell rang, answering his question.

I came home to find a note on my bedroom door:

"Hey, Jer-bear, I will be grocery shopping after work so I won't be home until later tonight. If you need me to pick you up anything, give me a call. Love, you!


"Looks like I got the house to myself then." I thought. I decided to make myself some cereal before I got to my homework. While I was making my cereal, I saw a glimpse of dark purple in the corner of my eye. However, when I looked at it, it was gone. I opened the window in order to investigate, but found no one there. "Strange" I said to myself, closing and locking the window. About 15 minutes into my homework, I started hearing scratching noises coming from the other side of the house, where the kitchen was. Remembering what had happened earlier, I went to investigate, bringing a bat with me just in case. I checked inside and outside of the house, but no one was there. However, I did find some scratch marks around the kitchen window, like someone was trying to force it open. I was glad I had locked it. I decided to give my mom a call to let her know to be careful when she got home.


"Hey, mom"

"Oh hey, Jer-bear, need something?"

"No, I just wanted to let you know to be careful when you get home. I think someone tried to break in and they might still be around."

"Oh shit are you ok?!"

"Yah I'm fine just let me know when you're about to head home"

"Ok. Lock all the doors and windows and make sure to keep a weapon on you."

"You got it, mom. Bye"

"Bye, love you. Stay safe!"

I hung up the phone and looked up to see an all-too failure mask looking back at me. I held my bat, too scared to move. Oddly enough, they didn't attack me. They just stood there, staring at me. The shock wore off and I swung my bat at their face. They dodged my bat and tackled me to the ground. The struggle was a short, but fierce one. Luckily, though, the person was around half my size, which gave me a huge advantage, and I was able to pin them. "What the fuck are you doing in my house?" The intruder didn't reply. I ripped off their mask, to see the face of a woman I had never seen before. "I'll give you three seconds to answer before I bash your face in!" The woman opened her mouth as if to speak, and I gasped. She had no tongue. The woman used my moment of surprise to push me off and make her escape. I tried to chase after her, but it was no use. The woman had disappeared.

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