Chapter 6

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I went to the police and gave a statement. Of course, they didn't do anything. The incident put everyone on edge. I almost didn't bother going to the library, but we needed the money. I didn't expect the library to get much traffic, but my shift was about to end with still no visitors. "Hey, Mr. Tanner, is it usual to have no visitors for this long?"

"Oh yes, it's very common." He replied "In fact, this place hasn't had a single visitor in 15 years, besides yourself of course."

I laughed "Oh come on, this place can't be that unpopular. If no one has visited in so long, how do you keep your funding?"

"Jeremy, there is something you need to know." Mr. Tanner said with a serious expression on his face "This place has been closed and left to rot for the last 15 years. When the original owner left, well, I took his place. An easy thing to do considering the rules of the human world don't apply to spirits."

"W-what? Ok this joke has gone on for too long. Ghosts aren't real, Mr. Tanner, but you are."

"We have much to discuss, Jeremy" he said, completely ignoring me. "Follow me" he walked by me and towards one of the walls lined with books. I just stood there, still believing this was some sort of prank. "Well come on, we don't have all day." He goading me. I approached him as he was pulling up a portion of the carpet, revealing a hidden door in the floor. He opened the door. "Follow me" he said, climbing down the ladder into the shadowy abyss. I don't know if it was curiosity, foolishness, or some external force, but I followed him to the hidden room. Mr. Tanner flicked a switch and the room was filled with a soft, yellow light. Much like the library, the room was filled with books, however, these were much older, leather bound books all at least as thick an encyclopedia. "This way" Mr. Tanner guided me through the labyrinth of books. We stopped in front of an old, splintery table which held and array of papers, books, crystals, bones, and various oddities. In the center, were two things: a large book, much like the others in the room, and a necklace, with a silver chain and a purple crystal pendant. "These are for you." Mr. Tanner said, handing me the book and necklace.

"Why?" I asked, my face plastered with confusion and a slight hint of wonder.

"You're going to need them. You're in great danger."

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