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Seonghwa pretty much stayed up all night to clean, wrap both presents from him and Hongjoong and Hongjoong's grandmother, and even cooked some party food. Hongjoong's grandmother even offered to cook some so with her help they premade dishes for the party to cook tomorrow. He expected a lot of people to be coming, so of course they were going to grill out and have a little island pool party theme.

It wasn't until five in the morning after blowing up many, many balloons when Hongjoong walks into the living room with a sleepy frown, eyes still adjusting to the light, "What are you doing?"

"Getting ready for the party," Seonghwa sighs tiredly, the dark circles prominent as he ties off the last balloon.

"Babe, have you been up all night?" Hongjoong asks, a little irritated with his boyfriend for not going to bed and waiting until the last minute to do all of this.

"..... Yes," Seonghwa admits, not looking at the man as Hongjoong sighs, walking over to him and grabbing the older's hands.

He kisses Seonghwa's forehead, "Go to bed, and sleep. I will finish up everything."

"I still-"

"No, you need sleep because if you don't get sleep you're going to be too tired for us to spend our anniversary together as well," Hongjoong snaps, "Damn it I could've stayed up and helped you."

"Your grandma did until about twelve when we got the food made, I stayed up to wrap presents and blow up balloons," Seonghwa pouts, yawning softly.

Hongjoong shakes his head, unable to stay mad for too long at his lover, "Go to bed, the party isn't until tomorrow afternoon so we have plenty of time to go get his haircut and to shower."

Seonghwa nods, allowing Hongjoong to lead him to bed where Jongho was snoring softly. He smiles, crawling in bed and cuddling up right next to his baby boy. Jongho didn't even move or flinch when Seonghwa wraps his arms around him, kissing his little ear and as soon as his head hits the pillow he's knocked out.

Hongjoong sighs, shaking his head as he turns back and starts for the living room. Jongho's presents were wrapped already, the food was made, the balloons and decorations were the only things needed left. Hongjoong began working on those, hanging up the blue and green streamers as well as blowing up the beach balls for the pool later.

When it was around ten in the morning Hongjoong made a small breakfast of eggs and toast, knowing Jongho will love them with tiny broken up bits of bacon as well. Hongjoong made sure to tear everything up into small bites for the baby since he is officially a year old.

Seonghwa slept until eleven, where he hurried to get a shower and take Jongho to his hair appointment at twelve. Getting the haircut wasn't as bad as he thought it would be, Jongho sat still and played with his hands and Seonghwa's hands. The only time he didn't was when he heard the buzzer for the clippers.

He sat through it like a champ, even giggled when the buzzer tickles his neck or behind his ear. Seonghwa was a little emotional when they started trimming down the wild hair he had on the top of his head that has always stuck straight up since he was a newborn. Since it was his first haircut, the hair dresser lady picked up some of his baby hair and put it in a little clear envelope that says "First Haircut!" in cursive writing just for the purpose of baby books mothers keep for their babies.

Seonghwa made it back home in time to give Jongho a bath and get him dressed in his birthday outfit he bought for him. When he steps outside with the birthday boy, Hongjoong and their group of friends sitting outside and chatting. When they all catch sight of the birthday boy, they all say in sync, "Happy birthday Jongho!"

Jongho looks at everyone, his little mind not comprehending that this is his birthday party as people eat the food Seonghwa made and every so often steal the baby from Seonghwa. The party when fantastically, Jongho enjoyed opening his gifts, and smashing his giant cupcake cake he made. Seonghwa didn't like it so much due to the mess, but anything for his baby's happiness.

Wooyoung approaches them, his belly more round as he takes an up close photo of Jongho in his little birthday crown Seonghwa had put on him, surprised the baby didn't take it off. Jongho makes grabby hands for Mingi, and the taller chuckles as he picks up the child, "Look at you all covered in blue and green icing!"

"He needs another bath," Seonghwa sighs, "He's already had one after his haircut and now he's going to need another."

"So Liv said you guys are going out after this?" Wooyoung asks? Holding his belly with one hand while the other reaches over and tickles Jongho's chubby feet.

"Mhmm, one year anniversary," Seonghwa smiles, looking over at Hongjoong to see San has him in a headlock in the pool, "I'm kind of hoping dinner and maybe coming home to.... cuddle if you know what I mean."

"Oh? Have you.... after Henry...." Wooyoung asks, arching his eyebrow.

Seonghwa sighs, "We haven't. We've been busy and the timing was never right. But right now-"

"Why go out," Mingi shrugs, "The timing is perfect as soon as everyone leaves. Hongjoong's grandmother said she was planning on going somewhere tonight to give you guys the house."

"What?" He sighs, "She doesn't have to!"

"Dude, let her! She's wanting you guys to have fun and to celebrate your anniversary," Wooyoung pats his back, "Just let her, she had planned to go out with some of her friends. So you have the house... and bedroom to yourselves," he wiggles his eyebrows.

Seonghwa sighs, "I'm nervous."


"I haven't slept with anyone since Henry got me pregnant," Seonghwa says dryly, "Me and Hongjoong had came close but something always interrupted us."

"Well tonight, no distractions," Wooyoung smiles, "Baby's away with Liv like normal, the house is just for you two. Go at it like jack rabbits."

Seonghwa rolls his eyes, "You're not right in the head."

"At least I get dick," Wooyoung smirks, turning to walk away and Mingi shrugs as he walks with his fiancé. Seonghwa groans, looking around to see everyone having a good time, his cheeks flush at the thought of him having a good time as well later when they all leave.


"Are you ready baby?" Hongjoong whispers, kissing down Seonghwa's neck and chest.

"Yes," Seonghwa whispers back, biting back moans and whimpers as Hongjoong strips them of their clothes. And so begins their night of celebrating their one year together. Hongjoong was gentle and followed every command from Seonghwa to make him as comfortable as possible. It was beautiful, and Seonghwa had even cried at the end as they laid cuddled up to one another, their bare bodies intertwined.

Hongjoong leans in and kisses away the tears, then kissing the blonde, "Are you okay baby?"

Seonghwa nods, sniffling as he kisses Hongjoong back, pulling away to cup Hongjoong's face, "Thank you, from the bottom of my heart for everything. For asking me to be your boyfriend after I had a baby. For treating my baby like he's yours. For caring for both of us. Thank you.... I love you so much."

Hongjoong smiles, "I love you too," he reaches behind him and pulls something off of the table and holds it up for Seonghwa to see. It was another ring, this one a pretty sapphire stone in the middle of a thick silver band. Hongjoong looks Seonghwa straight in the eyes, they were shaking a little just like his hand as he whispers, "Marry me."

Seonghwa gasps, not saying anything right away due to shock and Hongjoong smiles, "I know it's only been a year, but I can't ever imagine a life without you or Jongho in it. I want you to be in mine forever. Both of you."

Seonghwa sobs, bringing a hand to cover his mouth as he nods, "Yes!"

Once Hongjoong has slipped the ring on Seonghwa's finger, moving the ring he gave him a year ago in that hospital room to the other finger, and kissing his hand once it's on. Seonghwa moves to straddle the younger, smiling down at him, "I feel like I can go another round, how about you my love?"

Hongjoong groans, cupping Seonghwa's hips in his hands and giving them a gentle squeeze, "I'd really like that, my love."



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