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Since that night, Hongjoong and Seonghwa have been inseparable. Of course when it was time to go to work and such they had to separate. But after that night, they were more touchy-feely, and found more time than before to hook up.

In the shower and in the bedroom, they moved Jongho out of their room into a spare room for the baby to get used to sleeping on his own. They kiss more often and show affection to one another more. They had before, but after that night of their anniversary they didn't like being away from one another.

It was four in the morning when Seonghwa gets a phone call about two months later. He woke out of a dead sleep, being cuddled in Hongjoong's arms as he jerks awake at the sound of the ringing phone. He hears Hongjoong grumble, the younger nuzzling his nose in Seonghwa's bare shoulder, "Turn it off."

"I'm trying," Seonghwa responds back sleepily, grabbing the phone off of the desk table by their bed and the call drops before he can even answer. He frowns, "Why is Wooyoung calling me at four in the morning?"

It didn't process in his head until he gasps and sits up, calling him back. He immediately gets an answer, "Hello?"

"Mingi! Is Wooyoung okay?! Is the baby okay!?" Seonghwa worries, rubbing his eyes and trying to wake himself up before he stands so he won't fall.

"We just got checked into the hospital and right now they're getting Wooyoung hooked up to the contraction monitor," Mingi responds, Seonghwa can tell he's smiling.

"Baby girl is on her way," Seonghwa coos, "let me know how far along dilated he is when they're done."

"Are you on your way?" Mingi asks, they had originally planned for Seonghwa to be in the delivery room when Wooyoung was ready to deliver. Wooyoung wanted Seonghwa and Mingi by his side when it came time for him to push, he wasn't close with his mother to ask her to be here.

"Yeah let me get dressed and I'll be heading there," Seonghwa responds, hanging up and hurrying out of bed.

Hongjoong groans, sitting up and scratching his chest as he watches Seonghwa place his clothes back on he had stripped off of him last night. He squints his eyes adorably when the lights flicker on and Seonghwa was dressed in boxers and a T-shirt, "Baby time?"

"Baby time!" Seonghwa singsongs, hurrying to get his keys and shoes on after pulling up a pair of black leggings over his legs. He comes over to Hongjoong and kisses him, smiling, "I'll be back. Or I'll call you when Wooyoungie has the baby."

"Sounds great," Hongjoong smiles, rolling back over and closing his eyes.

Seonghwa leaves then, making sure Jongho was fast asleep in the little crib they got him before leaving the house. First things first, he's in desperate need for coffee and luckily the local Starbucks is open 24/7. He stops and grab a large cup, before driving onward to the hospital. He arrives shortly, walking past the desk to the elevators. He knew exactly where the maternity ward was.

He had texted Mingi when he had arrived and the taller was supposed to be waiting on Seonghwa in the waiting room to lead him back to Wooyoung's room. When he arrives he sees the father, checking his phone and possibly ready to call if Seonghwa didn't hurry up. Seonghwa walks right up to him, the giant grins, "Mind if I have a sip of that?"

Seonghwa hands over his coffee, Mingi took one sip and made a face, "Oh my god you put sugar in your coffee?"

"Yes I do! Not everyone can drink their coffee as black as their hearts," Seonghwa laughs, "I like a little sweetness to mine thank you very much!"

Mingi takes one more sip, needing the caffeine more than anything before making another face, "Oh god that's gross."

"Well stop drinking it!"

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