3: Unity

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"Get up and run away." Said the voice as Stampy lay in the hospital bed, a mask strapped to his mouth and wires attached to his arms.
He shook his head. "Why.." looking up at the white blinding lights of the ceiling.
His ankle had just been relocated but the bone was still broken, an agony that he found difficult to cope with.
"Do you want your girlfriend to die?"
Stampy closed his eyes, blinking away the tears before he tore out the wires injected into his wrists and his chest.
Sqaishey had to be safe. That was his main priority.
He took off the mask which had been giving him morphine and rolled off the bed, putting on his long black coat and his jeans before walking as subtly as he could out of the cubical, trying not to limp albeit his right leg was in agony.
"There's a black cab just outside the main entrance; get in it." Said the voice, "and don't speak to the driver."
Stampy did as he was told, although he could see that someone was already in the back seats of the taxi.
He stiffly opened the door to see Squid sitting down, he went into a complete state of shock as he sat down and closed the door behind him.
Squid's face was paler than Stampy had ever seen it before, his hair was damp and ruffled over his face. He was wearing a black hoodie which only extenuated his deep and exhausted eyes.
"O-oh my god... mate..." gasped Stampy, reaching over and hugging him. "A-are you okay?"
Squid's jaw was shaking, "it's just been so tough..." he said.
Stampy bit his lip as the taxi drove off, they both continued in this embrace as the rain poured down the windows.
"D-do you know where we're going?" Asked Squid, splitting apart the hug and looking out the window.
"No idea." Stampy replied, trying to catch a glimpse of the driver or a GPS. "God.. what the hell is going on..."
"I dunno... but I'm just gonna do whatever this voice says..." muttered Squid, his fingers stiffly gripping his leg.
"Your leg got shot... Jesus.. are you alright?"
"How'd you know?" Asked David, his dark under-eye bags increasing in size.
"I saw webcam footage on my laptop this morning." Stampy admitted, recalling that nauseating and shocking moment that seemed like it occurred years ago.
"Do you know who it is?" Asked Squid, wiping his brow, but Stampy just shook his head,
"I thought it was Lee... I still think it might be... but I don't know.."
Squid leaned his head back against the damp window and closed his eyes.
"How's your leg?" Asked Stampy again, leaning back as well, letting everything sink in.
"Bit shit.. I just hope that wherever we're going doesn't require a lot of walking." He replied, "although I did steal one of these."
Squid pulled out a folded wheelchair that he had positioned at his feet.
Stampy tried to give a laugh, "well done." He said, "god.. where the hell are we going..?"
"Have you got your phone on you?" Asked Squid, searching his pockets.
"Shit- no I think I left it in the car.." Stampy Replied, biting his lip with annoyance.
"Oh well..." sighed Squid, turning to face Stampy, "Just at least we didn't die." He chuckled.
"Yeah- good driving." Stampy added, giving a laugh and patting his shoulder.
"Well to be honest, I was kind of expecting you were coming the other way." Said Squid,
"If we had a head-on crash we'd definitely be dead. Just hit the wing mirrors." Stampy said, remembering that sudden moment of shock and fear as Squid's car came scrambling around the corner straight towards him.
"That was... too much for one day... are you okay? Were you hurt?" Asked Squid.
"I think I broke my ankle- but nothing serious I don't think- at least, I feel alright at the moment." Stampy told him before looking out the window.
"Shit... mate we're at Heathrow Airport." He uttered, seeing the planes take off in the distance into the dark night sky.
"Oh my god..."
When the taxi driver stopped the car, the boys were both handed an envelope which they opened, seeing a boarding pass, a passport and a pair of coloured contact lenses.
"This isn't my passport.."
Albeit the photo of the man on the passport looked almost identical to him, the name was Tristan Donnelly.
"Oh my god.." uttered Squid, "we've got to fake our identity..."
Stampy placed his finger to his ear to see if the voice would direct him any differently, but not a sound was made.
"I can't do this." Said Squid, his bloodshot eyes bulging with unbroken tears.
Stampy ran his hands down his fatigued face, breathing deeply in and out.
"I take it Nicole's life is at stake too." Muttered Stampy, gazing over at him, wishing this was all a dream.
"Yeah." He gasped, wiping away a tear and shaking his head, "lets just do this."
They struggled to put on the contact lenses without a mirror and scruffed their hair slightly to try and look like the people on their passports as much as possible.

Stampy and Squid exited the car, Stampy was limping and in quite a significant amount of pain from leaning on his broken ankle. However Squid couldn't stand.
"I'm sorry mate I really can't do this.." he gasped, leaning against the taxi while Stampy rushed to his side, his leg was in agony as Stampy took the wheelchair out of the car and unfolded it so that Squid could sit down.
"I've got you, mate." Stampy promised, taking hold of the handles and pushing Squid towards the entrance to the airport, sweating with nerves.
All Stampy wanted to do was to be back with Sqaishey. Safe and sound at home.

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