4: Mimic

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"My name is Tristan Donnelly... Tristan Donnelly..." Stampy kept repeating the name of the identity that he had to steal as he walked into the airport.
"John Kearney..." mumbled Squid, breathing in and out slowly as he entered the airport with Stampy pushing him on the wheelchair.
"Hi- do you need help?" Offered a female assistant in blue uniform at the wide entrance to the terminal.
"Eh- w-we should be alright, thanks." Replied Stampy, scared out of his mind by her.
"Honestly it isn't a bother- he's on a wheelchair, it'll be difficult to get through security like that- never mind on the plane- where are you flying to?" She Asked.
Shit. Thought Stampy immediately. He had memories the passport but had barely even checked the boarding pass- he hadn't looked where they were going.
"Pula." Said Squid, out of the blue.
"Oh right- that flight takes off in half an hour we'd better be quick." The lady exclaimed, taking hold of his wheelchair while Stampy limped behind them.
They quickly got through security, trying their best not to break a sweat as an officer asked to see their passports, wondering where they were going, how long they'd stay there.

And somehow or another.
They made it onto the plane.
Both Stampy and Squid were filled with so much shock and fear that they were simply unable to speak as they sat down in their... Business class seats?
They were greeted with champagne, an additional drinks menu and blankets to go to sleep.
They sat next to each other, completely silent until the plane took off.
"what the fuck did we just do..." breathed Squid, looking dead ahead at the seat in front. Feeling nothing but complete and utter disbelief.
"I guess this is a bad place to ask people where the hell Pula is." sighed Stampy. His chest beginning to settle from an anxiety attack, something he'd never had before.
Squid gave a mere laugh, his eyes deep and bloodshot. He looked over at Stampy, who looked somewhat similar to himself and smiled sadly.
"are you okay?" asked Squid.
"I dunno." Stampy replied, looking down in dread, "i left my wife in a house with a sniper on our roof. I don't even know if she's alive or not."
Squid looked down, a tear sliding down his face. "Nicole was unconscious when I was leaving.. I don't know what happened to her, I wasn't allowed to even check her."
They both looked away from each other, mouths dropped in the complete confusion of what to do.
"Croatia." said Squid, after at least five minutes of silence.
"huh?" asked Stampy.
"Croatia. That's where Pula is." he replied, pointing on the map on the small TV screen.
"Oh god... Well at least it'll be warm." said Stampy, his eyes closing with absolute terror.
"reckon Mr Airpod might let us sunbathe for a bit?" asked Squid, making Stampy laugh slightly.
"I think that's the least he can do considering he's written off our cars and mental stability for the next decade." replied Stampy, thanking the air hostess for his tumbler of whiskey, then taking a large shot of it.
"God I need one of them." sighed Squid, then laughing as the same air hostess placed just what he wanted on the tray in front of him.
Squid and Stampy shot down the rest of their drinks, laughing to each other before falling into a deep sleep.

"excuse me, sir."
They woke to the beautiful red sky illuminating throughout the cabin.
"sunrise.." breathed Squid as Stampy opened his eyes.
It was so beautiful.
He wished Sqaishey was here, the pink of sunrise reflecting on her skin while she gazed out the window. That's all he ever wanted. More than anything.
Squid bit the insides of his mouth, gripping onto the arm rests and taking deep breaths.

When they landed they had no idea what to do. They just walked towards the arrivals, not speaking at all until Squid poked Stampy,
"look..." he pointed to a tall blonde lady holding a whiteboard alongside all the other taxi drivers. Except hers said "Stampy and Squid".
"oh my god." muttered Stampy, standing still.
"come on.." sighed Squid, patting Stampy's shoulder as they walked towards her.

"hey! My names Aleisha. You guys wanna follow me? I'm parked just outside."
Her accent was a gorgeous blend of Croatian and Eastern American. She didn't question the boys lack of bags, or their lack of speech. She just invited them on in.
Aleisha owned an Aston Martin, she opened the back door for Squid and Stampy before sitting in the front seat herself.
"so.. I can give you a lift to the border. But that's about as far as I can get you. Sorry boys." she said, turning on the engine and driving away quickly.
"that's fine." said Squid, too distracted to register what she just said.
"wait- what? Why? Where do we have to go?" asked Stampy, leaning forward to see Aleisha's face more clearly, but he'd never seen her in his life.
"home? Back to England or whatever? Aren't your girlfriends in danger or something?" she questioned, raising an eyebrow and looking back at them.
"who told you that?" asked Stampy.
"I dunno his name. Some Scottish guy, he paid me to say all this. I've got bagpacks in the trunk for you."
Squid gazed out the window, they were travelling on a dusty motorway, it was relatively quiet compared to normal British motorways.
"can't you just get us on a flight back home?" asked Squid, his eyes beginning to water, Stampy recognised from his years with Sqaishey that Squid was having a panic attack, he put a hand on his shoulder and left it there.
"Boss said this would be more fun. Gotta admit it. I'm pretty jealous of you. Roadtripping in the summer across Europe. I did that on my seventeenth birthday with my friends, it's been a while. You'll have the time of your life."
"My wife might be dead." growled Stampy, exhaling in frustration and.. Anger.
Aleisha shrugged her shoulders, "she might not be?"
Stampy exhaled, leaning back in his seat and closing his eyes.
Longing for home.. Longing to be anywhere else.. Longing to be safe.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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