Jily Headcannons:?

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-James getting very. very. jealous.

-But Lily getting mad and convicing him it was nothing and not to make a big deal of her talking to someone. 

- James feeling bad so he goes and gets Lily and brings her to the black lake with a bunch of Lily's and apoligises and her forgiving him and then them cuddling all night.

- Lily taking James's glasses

-James chasing her to get them back but stumbiling cause he cant see

- At James and Lily's wedding Severus was there and he apoligiesed and Sev finally forgave him

-In the afterlife James and Lily looking over there boy and Lily remebering all of her great times at Hogwarts with James

-James and Lily spending summers together

-Lily finally saying yes to James and the whole Gryffyndoor house finding out and planning a party for them

-Dumbledore and McGonaggol secretly shipping tham and betting on when they would finally get together

-Them getting in little fights and sleeping in seperate beds because they are so stubborn but ending up cuddling on the couch in the common room

A/n: Sorry I haven't been posting lately I haven't had any ideas please request i am dying without any! Hope you liked if there is anything you would like me to fix then please message me or comment on my chapters. THANKS!!!!!!

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