Dear Draco

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Draco stormed up to his room, the Dark Lord had once again used his house for a meeting. He glanced over at his king bed and found a neatly folded letter on it. Carefully opening it he immediately recognised the writing. It read;


Dear Draco Malfoy,

I am so sorry, I wish I could stay. If I could, I would it's just... too late.

No-one is left for me, not even you. My two best friends are dead, my parents have forgotten me, and my brother is never going to love me ever again. And you, you have been trapped into a slavery of Voldemort.

We have lost the war, Voldemort has taken over. Promise me once I have left this world you won't do anything rash to get yourself killed.

If we had perhaps won the war everything would be different, maybe we could have even shared our relationship with the world.

I am willingly leaving this earth, you cannot stop me, I have made up my mind. My body will be left at our spot. Next to the glowing pool.

Please forgive me,
Ivy Longbottom


Draco read the letter another three times. By the time he had finally taken in what the letter said the parchment was spotted with salty tears. Slowly he looked out the window. The moon was full, except the night sky did not seem as bright as before. Slowly he crept down the vine outside his window.

When he reached the bottom he ran, sweat trickled down his face and his blonde hair was for once, messy. He gazed around to see if anyone was following him and quickly jumped up the tree that lead down to a beautiful secret garden. Ivy and he had spent so many sleepless nights hear together. His vision foggy from tears he only just managed to make out a frail body. Draco leaped over a little stream and came to her side.
"Ivy?" His voice shook as his finger slowly caressed her cold, beautiful face. Draco rested his head on her chest and cried, letting the tears flow smoothly down his pale complexion. It was too late. Ivy had left this world, and Draco behind. Forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2019 ⏰

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