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based on the bench scene in the promo 😳
"go talk to him," buffy pointed out the glass window that led to the backyard of andi's house. "seriously. either you go yourself or i will push you out there," cyrus couldn't tell if his friend was joking or not.

tj should be inside, partying. you know, like you do at parties? cyrus looked over at the lonely boy and sighed.

"what if he doesn't want to talk to me? he probably wants to be alone and that's okay. i understand! i need alone time sometimes too!" cyrus tried his best to make excuses. of course buffy wasn't buying it. she rolled her eyes playfully at the flustered boy.

"it'll be worth it. i promise, cyrus," she ushered.

cyrus tugged at his black coat before turning towards the back door. "you can do this cyrus. it's tj after all! what do i have to be scared about? why am i scared? wow, i hate this. maybe i shouldn't do this. he probably would rather talk to kira. gosh i hate kira. wait why? probably because of how she treated buffy. yeah." his heart was racing and he didn't even know how fast his thoughts were going. he shook it off and opened the door and shut it quietly.

tj was sitting on a wooden bench which sat next to a fire pit. "oh, great! fire! not dangerous at all. especially by wood."

"is this seat taken?" cyrus walked up to his friend. tj's eyes slowly trailed up him before he nodded. he didn't know why he felt so out of place. he was sure how awkwardly he sat down gave it away.

"wow he looks pretty in this light."

"oh shut up inner cyrus!"

"um," cyrus cleared his throat, staring into the flames. "so what're you doing out here? aren't you supposed to be partying—like people do at parties?" "you sound like an idiot, cyrus."

tj just shrugged. he looked cold—not temperature wise but just in general.

"i could say the same about you," he chuckled sadly.

"i came out here to make sure you're okay."

"buffy made you come out here," tj scoffed.

"i was going to come out here anyway, i care about you and want to make sure you're alright tj." cyrus was now facing tj, who's eyes were locked on the fire, and he placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

tj sighed. "i don't know what's wrong with me. i honestly didn't expect you to come out here with me. you've been acting strange around me."

cyrus let his hand fall and his eyes trailed to the ground. tj noticed this and faced cyrus. he furrowed his brows. "cyrus, are you alright? is the anything you want to tell me?"

cyrus nodded and looked back up. he took a deep breath, closing his eyes. "i've just been trying to give you and kira space."

"cyrus you make it seem like we're a co-"

"tj listen. i'm happy for you, i really am. you've found someone good for you. kira makes you happy. you're meant to be. but...i think i should tell you something. um, i...for a while now—actually i don't know how long. but for some time i think i realized that i like you. like-like you. more than a friend. but, i get it. you don't feel the same way. and..and it's okay! i feel like i was acting weird—jealous maybe? sorry if i was, i didn't mean to make you feel bad. you deserve to live in peace without someone being mad over a relationship of yours. but, we can push this aside and still be friends? i'm sorry, tj. i really am." cyrus looked back down at their hands. tj's fingers were softly stroking cyrus' hand.

tj used his free hand to lift cyrus' chin up. "cyrus! like me? like me? wow. i...look. i told you before that kira and i aren't a couple. i'm never happy around her. you make me the happiest person alive. you're the only person i can talk to like this. i never would've thought a guy like you would like me! an amazing, wonderful, sweet, and caring guy. you deserve the world. you deserve so much more than me. i put you through so much and i'm sorry. cyrus, i really really like you. i wanted to tell you that forever ago but kira...i was scared to tell anyone, okay? but kira found out and i just couldn't risk it! i thought you'd think i was weird...different. but, cyrus goodman. i have come to terms that i've had a major crush on you for—well a very very long time. and i would love it if we could be more than just friends. but, if you don't want that i understand. you deserve anyone else but me."

cyrus' eyes widened in shock.

"oh my stars! tj kippen??? likes??? me??? back??? he likes me!!! gosh i just want to kiss his pretty face. he probably doesn't want that. ugh."

"tj, i'd love to be more than friends. so, please? i've been waiting a long time for this. only if you're comfortable with it," cyrus looked like he was on the brink of tears. was he crying? he was definitely blushing, but also shaking.

tj grabbed cyrus' hand tightly and cupped one of cyrus' cheeks. he began leaning closer. "can i?" he hesitated. cyrus didn't respond, closing the small distance between them.

they pulled away shortly after, but their faces didn't move. the rested their foreheads on each other's, somewhat breathless.

"wow," tj breathed.

"yeah, wow," cyrus nodded slightly.

"i never imagined anything more amazing than that," tj reconnected their lips. cyrus kissed him back, but pulling away shortly after.

his eyes fluttered open and so did tj's.

"you won't believe how long i've been wanting to do that," tj chuckled softly. cyrus loves that soft laugh. it's like he was falling all over again.

"oh trust me, i've been too," cyrus laughed.

"you're too cute for this world, you know that?" cyrus' heart fluttered. wow tj kippen thought he was cute!

"uh huh, says you!" cyrus teased back, disconnecting their foreheads.

"i think i should ask you something,, cyrus goodman," tj sputtered. he was hesitant and afraid. "the boy who made me realize that maybe i was normal. would you to be my boyfriend?"

cyrus' blush spread across his face. "yes! yes. i'd love to."

cyrus goodman finally got what he wanted.

he wasn't being led on.

it wasn't another crush on a straight dude.


they sat there for a few seconds, just staring in to each other's eyes for a bit before jumping out of it.

"we should head back inside, then?" tj said shakily. cyrus nodded, intertwining their fingers and standing up. tj got up and followed his boyfriend inside.

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