Corpse Party Hetalia ● Chapter 4: What happend?

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>After all of the sudden blackout, group 5 was awaken first.

They were on ...

>they were 3rd floor til ground floor.

So now Group 5 was on that floor.

Thawo: Eeeik! Were.. are we?

Karel: I dont know... *moan* what is going on?

>They stand up, wondering around on what place it is.

Karel: What is this??

>then suddenly, thawo saw a note that was posted on the wall. Thawo went closer to see it. As she saw it, the name of the school they were now on was written.

Haven Element School,

Notice to all Falculty and students...

September 20th, 1866.

Karel: h-hey. What did you see in there?

Thawo: I saw... *squeals* -Are we... in.. this.... *mumbles*

Karel: Oh come on! What is it! Let me see!

>Karel tagged alog to see whats written in the post of the wall, when she red it all, she was shocked too.

Thawo: Now do you belive me?

Karel: *whining* Of course i do!

>as karel whinned the lights flickered, karel was scared.

Karel: EIK! *hugs thawo*

Thawo: Stop h-hugging me! Your killing me already!

Karel: oh sorry.

>then she lets go, while at it they were searching and also questioning theryeselves if all of them will get home.

>and so they have kept moving on, trying to find others, and they were lost, therye last stop was at the infirmary. They are now lying on the bed. Sleeping for their search of 10 hours. Then when thawo woke up karel was gone, she was too worried that she was gone for good o_o. She went out of bed and ran into the door, she tried to open the door to get out of the infirmary, but she couldent open it. As someone spoke her name softly she turned back. And when she did she saw a ghost, which have got her body. And thawo couldent control herself anymore, when thawo was controlled by a ghost her phone was dropped on the floor, then thawo roomed around like a wondering ghost........

>while at it karel had to leave thawo because of thawo's laziness, and so she told thawo that she will leave the room before the ghost have got her. Karel was still on the same floor, finding others....

>when karel went inside the bathroom of the girls, she notice a corpse that is lying on the floor. She looked at it, and then the door closed. She had noticed that someone had closed it and locked the door, she banged the door and call out for help. She tried to Persuade that person in unlocking the door but that person dident listein... Karel was now stuck inside the girls bathroom.

>Then Group 1, 2 and 4th had awoken, Sakura was worried that she hugged kiku too much. But kiku had to calm sakura down for the haunted school that she is seeing, or in a scary classrom they are now.

Sakura: Kiku... Im... Scared.. theyre are.. no lights.. in.. the ... room....

Stefi: Dont worry we have a candle thats beside us. So dont scream... or... panic..

France: Yeah, and lets make sure that we got everyone here.

Chinaka: I dont think most of us are here in this classroom.. i mean even do we are only group 1,2 and 4th. Were are group 3,5,6,7?

Mrs.Hongkong: Everyone stay in your places, i will check this school out, and whatever happens, dont move a muscle in getting out of the classroom. It might be harder for me to find all of you.

Lucia: But teacher, who is going to help you find them?

Kiku: Teacher i will come with you!

Mrs. Hongkong: No! I dont want any of my students in danger. Besides i dont want your parents to be mad...

Lucia: *sighed* *looks down*

Lyra: Dont worry Lucie-kun. We will escape this place, all of us, together.

Stefi: Yea! So dont be sad. Besides we only did this to be friends forever right?

Lucie: But what is this place? Is it because of the charm?

Chinaka: It must have been the earthquake, so dont get involved with it.

Mrs. Hongkong: Now everyone take care of yourselves alright? It might be a short while but i have to search for others. And take care of yourselves and remember the words ive told you all!

>Mrs honkong went out of the classroom, while at it. It already had taken an hour before she had came back, but she dident.

>others were worried so they wanted to search for others too. But Kiku and France said to stay in put inside the classroom. But they cant resist on what might happen to Mrs. Hongkong.

>And by 3 hours they were all sleeping. And one of them went put of the classroom.

Chinaka: Sorry, Kiku, and others. But i cant stand it anymore! I have to find mrs. Hongkong! She could be anywhere, anywhere but not here. So i must go...

*Chinaka walks away and finds mrs. Hongkong.*

>And by 50 minutes, Lyra went out to find Mrs. Hongkong also.

Lyra: Sorry all, But mrs. Hongkong must be in trouble!

>and by another 50 minutes, Lucia went out of the classroom to find the others, (Lyra and Chinaka), and mrs hongkong.

Lucia: Sorry... Kishunuma, Mochida, and Stefi...

>then lucia left and went out to find the others and mrs. Hongkong.

>then after that hour, Kiku woked up, Yawning. When she was about to say something, kiku was shocked she had to wale up Sakura, Stefi, and france like an alarm clock.

>When all of them woke up... Someone Screamed, somewhere on those halls there might be someone who is about to die....

Who will die 1st?

And so it continues....

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