(UnNamed For Now)

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Hey!!! This is unnamed for now, I am open to suggestions since someone, *cough*My Friend*cough*, can't think of one!


All Things Wrong…




            Melissa dashed down the empty, creaky hallways panting, trying to open every door in sight as she felt an unknown being in the run-down and abandoned house. The thought that it was also trying to track her down sent chills down her spine. Just about to give up, Melissa glimpsed a slightly opened door while silently sprinting down the halls. She stopped in her tracks and sped down to the door and threw it open. 

           Running into the total darkness of the random room, she slammed the door that was barely hanging on its hinges shut. Leaning her back against the thick layer of dust on the door, she gasped for breath and coughed hoarsely. She had nothing to drink for days; after all, one doesn’t stop for a drink when evil is chasing you. She removed her raggedy brown backpack for her sore back and looked for the zipper, unzipping the backpack after a few moments.

           After digging through it, she pulled out her only source of light: a lighter and small candle. Staring at what Melissa decided was where her hands were, she fumbled with the small lighter. Finally clicking the right button, she ignited the candle, only illuminating a small space in front of her. Slightly panting, she noticed an outline of a small table and a chair. Melissa walked to the rickety table and chair, setting the candle cautiously on the web and dust covered corner.

            She plopped down onto the chair rubbing her temple, not caring that it was frail and creaked under the newfound weight it suddenly held. Sighing shakily, she reached into her back pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. Carefully unfolding it, she muttered the words messily written on it aloud.


“To settle the gods, this you must hark

The key to win is below His Bark.

But to resolve the gods great dispute,

The Powerful Five, you must recruit”


            What on Earth could that mean?! Melissa frantically thought. Does the powerful five refer to-a large explosion snapped her out of her thoughts. Melissa’s eyes widened and blanched, skin losing all the color she had left.

            “It’s here, and it may be too late for,” And with that thought, she tucked the paper back into her pocket and blew the candle out with one, swift breath.

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