Chapter 3: Found Her... Then Lost Her

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Chapter 3

   Found her! ...Then lost her...

     There, standing in his curly-haired glory, was Melissa's green-eyed, messy black-haired best friend. Dimitri stood there as the dust cleared, speechless, staring at his best friend. His bright emerald eyes lit up yet filled to the brim with tears at the state of her. 

     Her mousy brown hair was matted slightly, face partly smeared with dirt. Her shorts and shirt were torn and covered with dirt and other things. Melissa had cuts, bruises, and dried blood. All in all, she looked like she was recently in a war zone. And Dimitri couldn't hold back his tears.

     Dimitri ran to her, shamelessly shedding tears that streamed down his lightly tanned face, and pulled her close to his chest, muttering things under his breath while stroking her hair. Melissa looked up and started taking in his worrying features with a small gasp.

He had dark bags under his eyes, something he's never had before. He also had worry and frown lines/creases scattered around his face; if anything he had happy and smile lines due to his over-excessive happiness! What had happened to her worry-free and carelessly happy friend? Melissa suddenly scowled; it was her. 

She caused him this much grief. She hadn't warned him of her disappearance, she hadn't made any contact with him or anybody else that she wasn't told to, she hadn't done anything to show that she was alright and alive.

While Melissa was in her own world and mind, Dimitri was thinking of the past few weeks and when it...happened.


The fire was growing... and growing... and growing! Yet Dimitri couldn't see her mousy brown hair. When the screams of the first of the campers started, he realized Melissa was gone, disappeared, completely vanished! He was screaming her name as loud as he could with no luck receiving an answer.

The depressed teen ran back to the fire, screaming and shouting her name. He's been having dreams about Melissa disappearing and a big flash, followed by those words... But he, foolishly, paid no thought to them, thinking they would just pass. But he was also a demigod, and those would not 'just pass'.

He reached the pulsing fire and saw her. Charlotte had just turned her head and reached out toward him, her face so frightened, a baby would have known the situation was horrible. 

Dimitri fell to his knees and screamed out into the moonlit sky as the fire and Melissa disappeared with a bright flash, a pitch so high and so full of despair that glass would have broken and flowers could've wilted. The scream had silenced the camp-everything was quiet; no screams nor frightened yells, no chirping of birds or rustles of leaves through the wind.

Slowly, but surely, there was shuffling of feet, but the sobbing and trembling teen didn't notice that they were heading for him. All that was on his mind was that Melissa had disappeared, his sister was gone! ...His first friend was gone... He didn't hear the gasps of those who did know the 'high on life, sunshine, and rainbows' 15-year-old. Nor did he give a second thought that he was both shouting and muttering Melissa's name through his sobs full of agony in front of over 100...beings. 

Though he did allow Jade, Leonardo, and Amber to lead him through the crowd, them shooting glares at anyone caught staring at him, and to Amber's cabin (Poseidon's cabin), where he cried himself.

Why was he acting like this? Melissa was his first friend, his sister, and because of... it's words. The words that he would give anything to forget and to have never even been said.

"Soon, you foolish demigod, she will be mine... and nothing you do can change this!"


Now, weeks later and dozens of monsters killed, he had found her and no one was going to take her back! But right before he was able to have another thought, it got eerily quiet and the temperature dropped frighteningly fast. The two blanched as they heard the raspy voice echo throughout the house.

"You have won...for now, ignorant demigods, but you also have fallen for this. You aren't as weak as we had thought, girl. But keep this in mind...we are watching you..." it finished. Melissa's eyes widened as she felt the familiar surge of power.

"Hold on!!!" she shouted, tightening her hold on Dimitri as with him in a flash, exactly like the one that transported her out of camp.


The two exhausted demigods landed with a thud on the warm grass. They both groaned loudly because the fall did no good to their already aching and throbbing muscles. But Melissa didn't really think of the pain, she had a million questions running through her mind.

This means that we were tricked! But who could've done this? Who was the snitch? Who was the villain that had tricked them into this? Who had known?

These were bouncing around her brain as the two had begun limping up the hill, Dimitri supporting her by her waist. They passed the force field (that was to keep out none demigods) between the three pillars of Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. They slipped passed with ease and made it to Dimitri's cabin (Zeus' cabin), much to Melissa's confusion. She needed to tell Apollo and Terrance ASAP about there being a snitch and the hunt being a test!

The over-protective demigod punched in the five-digit pass code, allowing the door to swing open with a slight creak. Melissa gasped at the condition of his room. The mattress of his bed was flipped over, shard of glass and mirror scattered all over the room. Everything was either knocked over or broken, as if a tornado had recently been in the room.

But Dimitri ignored all of this, as if it was expected, and pulled out a chain from his neck that held an emerald crystal that could've reveled the color of his eyes. He pressed the oddly shaped crystal into the top corner of his desk, face blank of emotion. The smoothed wood slid apart as both Melissa and Dimitri peered in.

"No.... IT-IT'S GONE!' he yelped after seeing the empty compartment and stuck his hand in, searching if it was there. Melissa jumped back at his sudden outburst.

"NOT THE CHEST! I NEED-" Melissa interrupted him mid-sentence of his screaming and yelling for something she didn't know.

"You need what exactly?" the worried teen asked confusedly. But at her last word, there was a loud clap of thunder and lightning, both blinding and deafening the two. But when Dimitri didn't see black spots anymore, Melissa wasn't there in front of him. She had disappeared...again.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2012 ⏰

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