Chapter 30: The Witch's Downfall

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In the darkness of the night, a battle of life and death is about to commence. Forces of good and evil were on their mark preparing to devour each other.

Eunwoo and his friends led his army of werewolves as they try to defend themselves against the sorcerers and their army of darkness.

"Everyone! Listen carefully, I would like to apologize for being a weak alpha. Because of me, you guys are in this battle but fear no more! We will fight till the end!!! Prepare your paws! Because freedom is ahead of us!!! For the Moon Goddess!!!!" Eunwoo shouted his word of encouragement which was answered by howls.

"Alpha, what is our plan now?" Myungjun asked his friend.

"Okay, I and my wolves will face the dark army." Eunwoo started to give instructions when suddenly, Jinwoo appeared.

"How is my love? Is he okay?"

"He's fine. Now let's end this and I'll talk to you later." The elf said with anger in his words.

"Alright." Eunwoo whimpered because of the tune in the elf's voice but he does understand why. He just loves Moonbin as he does. "Since Jinwoo hyung is here, you and Myungjun hyung will face the sorceresses and Sanha with Minhyuk will face Soo-Hyang."

"Sounds like a great plan to me." Minhyuk started which has been agreed by others.

Soon they all faced the enemy. Soo-Hyang is wearing a smug look on her face as she speaks to them.

"Eunwoo, darling! I gave you a chance to surrender the stone but you just wasted it. Prepare to tremble on your knees! My army will crush your wolves limb by limb. Wahahahaha!!!!"

" Not so fast you witch! " Sanha shouted with all his might which startles the others. Who thinks that their cute baby who pouts every now and then can be this fierce?

"If not what, apprentice? You'll gonna tangle us with your puny magic? You make me laugh." One of the sorceresses mocks the boy. "You insects can't even pass through our army." The other one seconded which earns Sanha a lot of laughing insults.

"Just watch me," Sanha mumbled before looking to his allies. "Everyone! Surround me!" He shouted.

Eunwoo commands his wolves to follow the Mystic's orders. Once all are settled, the mystic raised his wand in the air and it transformed into a rare and magnificent staff. He closes his eyes and starts to chant.

"Ancient Heavenly Magic:
Weaponry enchantment;"

Sanha raises his staff higher as the light shines from its crystal. Then, a white spell circle appears above which imbues them with light magic. The wolves fangs and claws were infused with the light element, Jinwoo's bow and Myungjun's trident were enhanced too. Even Minhyuk's claws, wings, tail, and fangs are emitting light magic as well.

"Wow cutie, I never knew that you're this good. I like it." Myungjun praised the mystic while swimming back and forth inside a giant shell filled with water. It's floating in the air by his magic.

The prince's words made Sanha's stomach go wild but he tried himself to suppress it because they have to win the fight.

"That's it? Hahaha, your enchantment will not change anything. MY ARMIES ATTACK!!!!" Soo-Hyang shouted her mockery as she unleashes her army to initiate the attack.

Eunwoo answers with a loud howl before shifting and sprinting towards his enemies. The rest of his and Moonbin's pack follow after him as they strike their claws and fangs with fury. Embedded with light magic, their attacks make their enemies suffer.

The sorceresses fly into the air lead by Soo-Hyang and strike the wolves with their black magic. Explosions blasts everywhere as the surge of magical energies hit the grounds.

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