💕 Chapter 2 💕

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Jungkook's POV:

I got out of my car and heard girl screaming at the top of their lungs. It was fucking annoying not to mention I hated all the fucking girls at school,but there was one thing that annoyed me it was that I didn't get to fuck that dude I meant last night. Damn his lips,neck,and his ass I just wanted to mark it as mine. I'm surprised that I just thought that in fact I never thought that way to anyone....as I was walking to class I saw him the boy I met last night. He was at his locker,so I walked up to him "hey cutie, missed me?" I said as I had my back on the locker next to him.

Jimin's POV

I was getting my books for class in till I saw him "hey cutie,missed me?" My eyes widened because I know that voice "h-hey I d-didn't know you g-go here..." I saw to him "Well now  you know also cute outfit" I felt my face heat up. Next thing I know Jungkook took my hand,and pulled me to a alleyway "so I never got you're name,so may I have it" he asked me. "Jimin,it's Jimin" I told him I was still blushing like crazy. I saw him pull out a Juul out "want to try?" He handed it to me,but I don't want to mess up my body,so I shock my head no. "That's your call Jimin-iss" I was shock at the nickname,but then it hit me......"FUCK IM GOING TO BE LATE!!" I yelled out loud "BYE JUNGKOOK" I yelled out as I ran,and all I could hear was laughter behind me. I got to class just on time,but I tripped on my way here,but at least I made it "okay class listen up we have a new student. Please introduce yourself please" I got out of my chair "h-hi my name is Jimin,and I hope we can all be friends.." I sat back down. Here's the thing I didn't mean the last part ;) "thank you ,Jimin,now today..." I was writing the notes down that the teacher told us to write,but I felt something poke me it didn't hurt it was a very soft poke. I look over to see a boy with gray hair "hey Jimin is your name right?" He asked me,and I lightly nodded "oh okay well hi Jimin I'm taehyung,but you can call me tae nice to meet you" he told me with a box smile. "Hi tae,nice to meet you too" I smile at him "Jimin taehyung no talking" the teacher scolded us. I just rolled my eyes lucky he didn't see.
                     At lunch

I walk to the table tae told me to come to. "Hey Jimin,over here" taehyung yelled out I smiled,but then tae came running towards me with a worry look. He got in front of me "back off Jungkook!" I was surprised that taehyung said that,but I saw Jungkook their in front of Taehyung. "Or what? What are you going to do to me fucker?" My eyes widened shocked that Jungkook said that "stop it you two!" I yelled out "you two are acting like children right now!" They both looked at me surprised. "Fine sorry Jimin" Taehyung said to me and bowed down "I'm sorry Jimin-iss" Jungkook said to me as he winked at me. I felt my face heat up again Jungkook left and Taehyung walked me to our lunch table "Jimin meet Hoseok and Yoongi. Yoongi Hoseok meet Jimin" Taehyung introduces me to his friends "h-hi" I waved at them. I was a little scared of Yoongi he looked a bit mean,and I made a little worried face "don't worry Yoongi May seem mean at first,but he's not" I nodded my head "I'm Hoseok but you can call me Hobi" Hobi told me. "I'm Yoongi nice to meet you Jimin" I nodded back "nice to meet you guys". We all went to the movies to watch 'Toy Story 4'. "Bye guys me and Yoongi are go home bye!" Hobi told me and Taehyung "byeeeee" Taehyung waved. Next thing you know they were gone "bye Jimin see you at school tomorrow" Taehyung told me "bye Taehyung" I waved back. I started walking to my house,but I heard a screaming "HELP SOMEONE HELP PLEASE!!!!!" I ran to where I heard the scream....."oh my fucking god......"
there was blood on the wall "Jimin-iss?" The unknown person said. I was shaking and my eyes widened "J-J-Jungkook...?" Thats when I ran away....I didn't know if it was really Jungkook,but I'm concerned. What if it's Jungkook? What if it's not Jungkook? What if...he kills me....?" Tears started to form for some reason do I like Jungkook? No way I just meet him...I ran back home scared out of my mind. I was so out of breath it was unreal I was also tried,so I went upstair and heard laughing. I'm not a person who will go looking for gossip,but I was curious,so I opened the door a little,and saw Jisoo talking to Jennie aww how cute I thought to myself. I closed the door really slow so it won't make noise,and headed to my room. I got a oversized hoodie and some long socks with some shorts that almost showed my butt "hi honey I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to go on a trip for work,so you and Jisoo will be home alone for a month" my mom said as she walked in "okay mom," I walked up to her and kissed her cheek "I love you mom have a safe trip" I told her as I small smile showed. "Me too honey now go to bed" as she walked out I heard another screaming this time I looked out the window lucky my mom wasn't with me. I took a look out the window and...

"Holy fuck..."

Hi again :D I hope you enjoyed the chapter also I'm really really sorry if their are any mistakes I tried my best to make it good anywho bai my cuties 💜💜💜

I 💜 you ٩(^‿^)۶

In love with a murderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora