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The present contains nothing more than the past, and what is found in the effect was already in the cause.

Those were the exact words that flashed through my mind immediately I heard his voice; that voice that uttered sweet nothings into my ears at night and promises of forever in the day. The exact voice that eventually ripped my heart into shreds and brought an incurable ache to my chest; the voice that I tried so hard to loathe but still found myself waiting and wanting to hear it one more time.

I tried to fight the urge to turn in the direction of his voice but the love I thought had already faded forced me to look his way. And there he was, his arm around a blonde-haired bimbo with his face in her hair while she kept giggling at the sweet nothings he was probably feeding her; the same sweet nothings he fed to me. I don't know if it was fate or just pure coincidence, but the very moment I tried to avert my gaze, he raised his head and our eyes connected. Those honey-brown eyes drew me in once again; the eyes I once saw forever in, the eyes that once looked at me with so much love and affection. Those same eyes turned cold the moment it connected with mine; I could see the smugness, arrogance and mockery in those eyes. They pierced into me like hot knives, cutting me deep and slicing me in the most painful way.

I tried my best to look away, to break the connection, but it was futile. The memories kept flooding in, a kaleidoscope of images blazed through my mind like wildfire and I couldn't help it. Regrettably, my mind lost the battle with my heart and I drowned in the memories that haunted me till this day. Pain has a flavor, and while I was being drawn into the haunting memories of my past, it tasted like chocolate. What does your pain taste like?

People say that when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. Life gave me lemons in the form of Anthony. I was drinking a chocolate milkshake at my favorite fast food joint when I felt a presence behind me. Nonchalantly, I continued enjoying the chocolaty goodness until his voice floated into my ears. It had a tinge of the south in it and felt like honey mixed with brown sugar.

"Hello beautiful." That southern accent got to me immediately and momentarily, I forgot about my milkshake and stared into those honey-brown eyes that held so much and yet, so little. "Mind if I sit with you?" he requested.

I quickly snapped out of it and flashed him a warm smile. "No, please sit." I replied and like two charged wires connected together, we hit it off immediately, talking about everything and nothing. Soon, we exchanged contacts with the promise to keep in touch with each other. I headed home with a smile on my face and a bounce in my steps. No, I didn't feel like I had found my soul mate or lifelong partner but I felt like I had finally found someone I could connect with and maybe, just maybe we could see where this path would take us both.

The next three months sped by like a blur. Anthony and I spent a lot of time together talking about all the things we had in common like our mutual love for football, music, movies, animals and literature; going out for walks in the park; eating out at restaurants or chilling in his or my place and spending our nights making hot, passionate love. We or more specifically, I had grown so attached to him to the point that he was all I could ever think about most of the time. I didn't realize that I had woven my entire life around his within the space of only three months. Stupid, right? I lived for him, I breathed for him and I felt just for him. I just never realized what a big mistake that was until it was too late.

The now, the here, through which all future plunges to the past. That much I knew; I had fallen into darkness. And at the instant I knew, I ceased to know.

Everything was perfect, too perfect. One minute, I was a single hotshot gynecologist and the next minute, I was a hotshot gynecologist belonging to a man I loved and thought I knew. He never once mentioned that he loved me; I didn't think anything of it. I thought that men were just too scared to admit their feelings. I never pressured him about it either. I guess I should have, then all this would have been avoided. To me, life was bliss; until the bubble burst.

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