mummy and daddy went away

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Y/n was laying on the ground playing with her stuffed fox toy when her mother busted into the room crying. (Y/n's dad was an alcoholic and use to abuse you and your mother) while crying your mother tied a noose right in front of you then tied it to somewhere up high. She pulled up a chair and stood on it while she said " y/n I love you, I am sorry but I will see you again one day, you must be brave for mummy...... Goodbye y/n" then jumped. You watched her face turn blue and the tears fall down her face and you just laid there and cried.

After this day your dad started to drink more and became a lot more abusive to day he got mad at you and went for a drive. That day he died in a car accident. When he was leaving you walked/crawled out to see him leave. Not knowing the door had closed and locked. You had no way of getting back into the house so you lived on the streets.

No one ever noticed you, until one day Tony Stark was walking along that street for reasons no one knows. You saw him there and he stopped in front of a shop near you so you ran up to him and grabbed onto his legs. He looked down at you confused and said: "HEY   oh uh hello kid...... Where are your parents?" Mommy and daddy went away you said quietly"Oh uhh how old are you?" Tony replied shocked you could even speak. You shyly held up two fingers. You looked up into his big brown eyes and hugged him. He looked back down into your sparkling e/c eyes and smiled at you " what will I do with you?" He said to himself.

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