Chapter One

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"Hurry up already!" I called to my little sister from downstairs. I've been planning this road trip for the last month, and I want everything to be perfect. She needs this right now, she needs something to look forward to I said in my head. I started thinking about how I haven't really seen Sarah smile in awhile. I tried to push that thought out because I knew why, and I don't want to think about my mom right now.

"Coming," Sarah yelled as she walks down the stairs with two suit cases and duffle bad full of clothes. "Sarah, we're only going to be gone for three days, not a month." "You can never be to sure," she said trying to force a fake smile. "If you say so," I said laughing. "Anyways, you never told me where we're going," Sarah said looking at me curiously. "Trust me you'll love it," I tried to reassure her.

We have a 40 hour drive ahead of us. I thought driving would be better than flying cause at least Sarah and I'll get to spend time together. It's been awhile since we've hung-out. We said bye to our dad and loaded the car. My boyfriend, Nick, stopped by and wished us a safe trip. He tried to convince me to let him come along but I explained to him that I need to make sure everything with Sarah is okay. He completely understood; he just didn't want us to go alone. But I told him she needs this. We need this.

We got in the car and drove. It didn't take long before Sarah asked, "Can you please please tell me where we're going?" I hesitated but then I told her, "Well, ever since mom... died I know things have been hard on you, and since your 15th birthday is coming up I wanted to cheer you up..." "What is it?" She said eagerly. "Well, I was doing some research and saw that your favorite actor, Finn Wolfhard, is having a meet and greet. And I thought it would be awesome to go." "AHHHHHH oh my gosh really," she screamed nearly causing me to go deaf.

"Yeah, so we're going to Los Angeles!" I said way to excited that I started laughing. West Palm is small and Los Angeles is suppose to be the life of the party! So, I knew Sarah would look forward to it, but so am I. I'm excited to get out and meet people. "Oh my gosh thank you, thank you, thank you!!!" She said leaning over to hug me in the drivers seat. Wow, I thought, she actually seems happy. I smiled but kept my eyes on the road. Its's almost seven and it's going to be getting dark soon, so I figured in a few more hours we'll stop and get a hotel.

I told Sarah that we should stop for a hotel for the night but she was so eager and excited that she convinced me to keep driving. So I did. I just want to give her something to be happy about, even if I don't get my beauty sleep, I laughed in my head.

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