Chapter Five

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That's good

I pulled my feet from the water and said, "I guess we should be getting back." I looked at him for a moment and then started walking toward the doors. He grabbed my arm causing me to stop and then looked at me with questionable eyes as if he was studying me and asked, "Did I do something?"

I didn't want to answer him. He didn't do anything. I just know it's better for me to pull away then getting attached. "No, no, no, no, no of course not, I just should really be getting back to my sister," I said honestly.

"Oh, yeah, okay," Finn said looking down. I was going to say something but decided not. I don't live in his world. I have no idea what it's like for him. I wonder if maybe talking to someone who doesn't know him, who doesn't live in his world is better too. I was walking away then stopped and turned around and said, "But if you ever need to talk or rant just call me."

He smiled and then I headed back up stairs. I thought he seemed cool. He wasn't at all who I thought he would be. He was sweet, and seemed like an amazing friend.

I stepped inside the elevator waiting for it to close. It was about to close but then Finn rushed quickly jumped in. I laughed and just leaned against the wall. I eventually asked, "Is something wrong?" He looked at me and said, "Actually there is, you said I could call you sometime but that's pretty hard to when you don't have there number." I laughed and said, "Oh, right." He took out his phone and handed it to me. The first thing I noticed was his wallpaper. It was a picture of him and the rest of the guys from the Stranger Things cast. I giggled and then hit contacts. I typed in my first name then my last name and finally my number. I hit save and handed it back to him.

The elevator opened and he motioned for me to go ahead first. What a gentleman I thought. I walked out the elevator and turned the corner. We walked in silence until we were almost at the end of the hall and I stopped in front of my room. He kept walking a few rooms down until he reached his. We were both standing in from of our rooms and I heard Finn say, "Goodnight," and smiled. I smiled and did the same. I pulled out my key card and unlocked the door. I walked inside and changed into something cooler. I put on some night shorts and kept my tank top on. I put my phone on the charger and jumped into bed.

I was debating on whether I should tell my sister or not what happened. By what happened I mean that I met her celebrity crush before she did. I laughed a little at that thought and then drifted off to bed.

It Was an Accident | Finn Wolfhard |Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin