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Mason POV

I was on platform 9 3/4 about to board the train for my last year at Hogwarts. My youngest sibling was going into first year, my second youngest was going into third year, and my sibling closest to me in age is going into 4th year.

I'm in Hufflepuff,  my brother in 4th year, Marshall, is in Ravenclaw, same with my sister Lucy, and we think that my youngest brother, Lachlan, will end up in Gryffindor.

"Remember Mason, you're of age to find your mate now, and you need to find and mark her before you turn 18. Make sure you write me to keep me updated on what happens, I love you, be safe, and catch that snitch when you're going against Ravenclaw, don't let Marshall win" my mom said, giving me a hug.

I boarded the train and quickly found my friends, sitting next to Hartley and Mackenzie. "So, Mason, you're of age now, any idea who your mat is?" Mark asked

"That's right! I forgot that you're a Veela! So, who is it?" Mallory asked.

"I'm not sure yet, but it's none of you guys, but guess what, I'm head boy!" I told them

"That's great! Do you know whose head girl?" Amalee asked

"I believe that it's Veronica Bailey, but I can't be too sure" I responded. The trolly witch came by and we ordered some sweets.

Half an hour before we got to Hogwarts we changed into our robes and I attached my pin. I got off the train first because I had to help first years get to the castle.

I sat down at the Hufflepuff table next to my friends and listens to McGonagalls speech. The sorting started and I listened for Lachlan's name.

"Lachlan Prior!" McGonagall called.

I watched Lachlan walk up and sit on the stool "Gryffindor!" The sorting hat called and he smiled, and went and sat at the Gryffindor table.

I looked over at Marshall's table and looked for him. When I found him I made I contact and he nodded, gesturing to somebody behind me.

I looked behind me and saw a Slytherin girl that couldn't be over 14 years old, probably a third or fourth year.

I felt a connection with her instantly, and whipped back around to look at Marshall. He was already looking at me and my eyes went wide, "mate?" He mouthed at me and I nodded.

I would have to talk to him later to find out who she was. "What's up with you?" Hartley asked breaking me out of my thesis of thought

"I just found my mate" I said baffled

"That's great! Who is it?" Mallory asked

"I don't know her name, she's a Slytherin, probably in fourth year, I can't be too sure. She's blonde and has green eyes. I'm talking to Marshall after the feast to figure out who she is" I replied.

"And now to introduce the heads this year, Veronica Bailey and Mason Prior if you could please stand up for a moment" McGonagall said and I stood. Their were cheers for a few minutes before the students were hushed and I was motioned to sit.

The food appears on the table and we begin to eat. Anthony began to stiff his face with everything while I continued to stare into space.

I expected my mate to be younger than me because I am the oldest in my year, but I didn't expect her to be that young. At least she's not a first year, that would be bad.

I made eye contact with Marshall again and we both got up and left the great hall. Once outside and we made sure the doors were shut I started asking him questions. "Who is she? How old is she? Do you know her?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2019 ⏰

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