You are perfection, my only direction.

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"You know what love feels like right? You've described it thousand different times before

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"You know what love feels like right? You've described it thousand different times before. "

It feels like magic, driving through your veins... Making you feel alive; reflecting through your eyes whenever they meet your beloved.

And not just some guy friend beloved.
It can be anyone. Love comes in various forms.

You knew it was love when you got dumped on a Saturday night and you had no one except your dear sissy to help you get through the night.

You knew it was love when you once fall of your bicycle for the first time and got bruised and none but your mum was the one who didn't left you alone for a whole week, thinking you'll get more hurt on your own.

And you know it is LOVE when someone very different from the rest of the guys you've met before inspires you to be your best. ❤✨

Love is not always about the special someone, the one. Look around, it exists in every form.

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