The Truth About Being a Girl

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People always say that the girls of this generation are so vain

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People always say that the girls of this generation are so vain

Why can’t they put their brains towards books instead of good looks
I used to blame girls too, be more than a perfect body with a pretty hair do
And then I stepped out into the world
I opened my eyes to the truth of being a girl

I heard guys say things like “Dude she was 10x tighter than that girl you hit and quit - Ray” Or “I wanna pipe your sister some day”
Or “Her ass looks like a race car track with those stretch marks, but at least it’s big like Kim K’s.”

I never grew up thinking of those things
Don’t blame me but when I thought about boys, I thought about dinner dates and soul mates Not fuck boys that look at you like shark bait

It breaks my heart
For every girl growing up in this world
Instead of “How was your day?” messages we get “You up? Wanna come fuck?” I am not an object
I have a voice and something to say

Do not assume that I belong in your bedroom,
I belong in a conference room
And for anyone who thinks that this generation is so vain
It’s because us girls are held under a microscope day to day
It’s like beautiful doesn’t exist unless we can cross everything off the checklist
Big butt, big boobs, skinny waist, includes small nose, plump lips, bony hips, hairless, careless, but still has awareness
In all fairness, I want to be seen as beautiful too

I mean I don't wanna be demeaned
I mean I’m not the same girl I was at 15
I mean I’m stuck in between
Being a girl and woman
Growing up in a world that has taught me
to look sexy, get a degree, maybe a little rhinoplasty, but never disagree with misogyny
A world that has not taught me that being a woman,
Is living in fear that your basic health care will disappear
or that your paycheck is somehow several dollars smaller than a man that does the same job or that your boss might tell you to stop giving him blowjob eyes

“If you wanna raise, you better comprise, gotta show me what lies above those thighs”

Boy, please, the moment you misidentified everything
was when you forgot that not even 100 years ago, i could not vote
look at what happens when you try to demote the very bodies that give birth to you, please.
we are used to it all and we are appalled
but you see,we don’t know what it’s like to be a free

Equality is not just about calling someone out.
Equality is accountability
That my brother knows that I am equal to him so equality is education from classrooms to court rooms to conference rooms and computer screens.
Is using tech for good, for me too, for movements
Equality is truth
is strong voices
is breaking through the silence that exists
because silence can't exist if it's not tolerated
is all of you

Changing the future, clearing path
For every woman and every man
it is raising the next generation to know
That not only does their voice matter
but it will be heard
And that’s why we got the power in our hands
we will not sit back and nod and smile
while certain people reconcile the rules to being fertile
Sorry, but it’s my body baby

I may be a young lady
But my dad always taught me to speak out and fight, against injustice of every kind
So here I am speaking out for all my ladies in the house
We will not stop the fight into we hold our rights
For women of every color, size, shape, sexual identity, and place in this world

And that is the truth about being a girl.

-Aija Mayrock ©

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