high school + anxiety rant

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aight so im gonna start high school in august and i'm absolutely terrified. if anyone has any advice, please lmk in the comments! :) 

no but seriously i legit had a mini panic attack today (you know those panic attacks where it's jus the immediate like panic and fear and your whole body's going sicko mode and your heart starts beating really fast and you're like oh my god oh my god oh my god and then it's over in like 3 seconds and you tell your body everything is ok and there is not danger in the immediate future and it needs to chill out?) you know those ones? well today i had one bc my brain was like you're not going to find your way around the high school is huge there are people who hate you and you guys don't go to seperate schools anymore so you'll actually have to see them and you're not ready for that everyone hates you. you won't make any new friends because you're so socially awkward and nobody finds you attractive and won't want to date you even though i know at least one person who likes me and also i'm not interested at dating at the moment because then someone's mom has to drive you guys everywhere and the relationships all end in pain and suffering so why bother? (i can't drive yet btw haha) 

so life's fun recently. i'm trying to figure out my life and what is happening and lately it's just been a lot of sitting outside with my dog and chickens listening to old music and it's been kind of helpful i guess? i've also talked to a lot of my friends who have been too supportive and kind to me, love you guys :)

that's all for now, bye

i'll probably be back in a week knowing me

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