Chapter one- The world meeting

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If you don't like boyxboy I suggest you stop here... Also, no hate please!! This is my first story!!! ~Ren

Italy's POV:

I close my eyes as everyone starts to fight at the table and America is as loud as always. "AHAHAHAHA I SHOULD BE IN CHARGE CUZ IM THE HERO!!!" Britain slams his fist down on the table. "You shut the hell up you bloody git!" I sigh as I still see no sign of Germany until... The door flies open and Germany appears. "SHUT UP EVERYONE YOURE ALL SUPPOSED TO BE TALKING NOT YELLING DO YOU WANT THE WHOLE WORLD TO HEAR YOUR DAMN BICKERING?!??" Everyone grows silent and America then claps his hands. "Alright everyone... I think this conference went well. Thanks for coming and remember! I'm the hero! Nyahahaha!" America starts laughing hysterically and walks out while everyone else follows and I sit beside Germany as he puts his glasses on and starts reading an envelop. "Germany! What's up?!!" I blush as he turns and looks at me with a sweet smile lit up across his face. "Just reading the conference letter. Apparently we are all invited to zis ball thing at America's house." He sighs and I wrap my arms around his neck. "Germany why are you sighing? Wouldn't it be fun to go to a ball?!! You can dance with me!!! "His face turns red and he stutters."I-Italy. Th-that would be v-vierd... Don't you think?" I shake my head. "No Ludwig! It will be fun!"

Germany's POV:

H-he just called me by my first name... Why is my face burning up so much?!! How long has this been going on? Me acting all vierd towards the small brunette. "Italy... L-lets go home, alright?" He springs up and cheers. "okay Germany!!! Ouuuu and when we get back can we make Maranda together?!" I sigh and nod and he becomes even more happy than he just was. We walk back to my place and Italy kicks off his boots and takes his coat off and runs to the kitchen. "Hold on, Italy... What do you want to make anyvays?" He replies, "Dolce!" I scratch the back of my head. "Alright, sweets it is then... Vhat vere you thinking?" "Zuccotto!" I sigh. "chocolate cupcakes?" I notice his face lighting up and getting excited. "Okay okay. Let's make it..." We grab all the materials needed to make the cupcakes and finally blend the batter in a bowl and I pour the batter into the cups and place them in the oven and Italy then looks at me with those adorable golden eyes of his. "Vh-vhat is it? Is there something on my face?" He giggles and leans closer to me and licks my cheek gently as there was chocolate batter on it. I slide my hand onto my cheek where he gently licked it and I turn pinkish there. "I-Italy... Thank you..." The brunette just smiles sweetly.

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