VI: Idealistic and Irate

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How would I tell her that I think she's gorgeous?

I wish I could say how I feel, but the truth is, I have no clue what is going on in my mind. My thoughts are a big muddle of muffled gibberish.

We continued to drive endlessly and we eventually reach a rural area. There are large open fields of yellow wheat, glistening almost romantically in the setting sun. On occasion, we pass by farmhouses or wooden pens with cows, pigs, or sheep in. The sky is slowly transitioning into an orange and pink color as the sun sets below the horizon. The dirt road we drive on is almost completely empty. Every now and then, another car passes by, but it's rare. The car bumps up and down from the uneven road.

It's around seven o'clock, and lucky for us, there has yet been a sign that the cops know where we are. I have since taken on the role of driving, allowing (Y/N) to rest in the passenger seat. I can't help but glance at her over and over again — I can barely keep my eyes off her. Her feet are kicked up on the dashboard and her seat is reclined back ever-so-slightly. She rolled down the window, allowing the fresh and warm wind to blow into the car, making her (H/C) hair fly in all directions and become messy. Her eyes are gently closed, and I can't tell if she's sleeping or merely thinking. The sun shines so perfectly on her, illuminating her face and all the pretty details of her face. She's still wearing that black tank top, and it's quite amazing to see more of her body. You can't see much in that black hoodie she always wears, which is a shame because I think her body is perfect.

I'd love to tell her how beautiful she is, but I can't.

In the distance, I see a large structure of sorts. We're driving towards it. In fact, there are a whole bunch of cars stopped in the middle of the road up ahead as well. I can hear loud music coming from the structure, but I can't make out what it actually is or who is singing.

"H-Hey, (Y/N)," I say, my voice cracking. When she only groans as a reply, I raise my voice. "(Y/N)!"

"What is it?!" she growls back, opening her eyes in the slightest.

"We're heading right into something."

My obscurity encourages her to open her eyes and lean her chair back up straight. She allows her eyes to focus on what we are driving straight toward, and her pupils dilate, a bright smile growing on her face.

"Finally, we're here!"

"Uh, where?" I ask.

"Drive faster, Evan!"

"But I-"

I don't bother to finish my sentence; the look in her eyes makes it clear she isn't listening to me now. She reaches for one of the remaining donuts in the box, stuffing her face with the sweet pastry.

I sigh and push down on the acceleration pedal. I guess full speed ahead.

The closer we get, the louder the music gets. I come to the conclusion that the structure is a concert stadium. There are cheers coming from within, and I now understand why there is music. The large parking lot appears to be completely filled, meaning people have opted to park on the street. Once we get close, (Y/N) directs me to stop the car.

Why does she look so happy?

"This is amazing, isn't it?" she asks rhetorically. The laugh that follows is heartwarming. "Come on, let's go."

Half a donut still in her hand, she pops open the passenger side door and slides out of the car, slamming it closed behind her. She has quite the amount of energy considering she was asleep a minute ago (which ghosts do I suppose). I pull the key out of the ignition and shove it in my pocket, staring at where (Y/N) was sitting before. She was so beautiful. The sun softly kissed her skin perfectly. The wind teased her hair. Her lips looked so tempting...

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