VII: Narcissistic and Numb

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This far into my journey and I've discovered that the radio is my best friend. My city's local radio station is playing 24/7 updates of my search. Turns out, police forces from other towns have joined in on the search. I'm somewhat flattered that so much time, effort, money, and work would be put into finding little old me.

The radio station gives me quite a lot of information about how to search is going and any new information uncovered. At around seven in the morning, when the sky was an ominous grey and the dim rays of light were emerging through the clouds, the host gave this piece of information:

"This just in: street camera footage has been discovered of the missing boy, Evan Hansen, on 172 Lyme Ave Saint Charles yesterday at 9:32 in the morning. He left his mother's car and promptly entered the car of Randy Wise. It is unknown how Hansen got the keys, for Randy Wise said the keys were in his house, and Hansen was never seen entering the house. He drove off, heading West, and his mother's car is seen blowing up. It is unknown how this violent explosion occurred, but it is believed that Hansen manufactured a bomb. Hansen drove out to the outskirts of Stemic town to where there are no street cameras, meaning the police couldn't track his path. The car Hansen is driving is a Maserati Quattroporte GTS GranLusso RWD with license plate BOI 0151. If you see this car or Evan Hansen, please call the investigation search and rescue team at (737) 777-4877."

This information, while ill-informed and rather frantic, was useful. I knew it was time to ditch the car I stole and get a new car. I was still out in the country where there is very little action or people, so I stopped by a small farmhouse and peeked inside to see if it was empty. Luckily, it was. I broke into the house and searched for the keys to the truck I spotted out in the driveway. It was a very quick search, for the keys were left on the kitchen counter. I hopped into the truck, revved up the engine, and pulled out of the driveway.

The whole operation was executed and accomplished in less than five minutes. I suppose I'm getting good at this law-breaking stuff. I continued to drive back into the city, figuring that it's the place to start. If there's one place this key would go to, that place would be somewhere in (Y/N)'s house. It's a huge risk to go into the city where there are literally search teams every other block looking for me, but (Y/N) has taught me risks must be taken.

Everything seemed to be going by so fast. All my actions were done with little to no thought. It's like I've done this a million times and knew exactly what to do after every step.

(Y/N) and I drove really far out yesterday, so it takes all morning to get back to a small town. I'm still not in the city, but I figured I needed a break. I hadn't slept for nearly a day and I was pretty exhausted. I had time to kill before any new news about my whereabouts is discovered. I parked the car on a random street with many other parked cars, hoping I'd fit in, then allowed myself to sleep for a while. By the time I woke up, it was three in the afternoon.

After stopping for gas, I went into a nearby Wendy's drive-thru(making sure to hide my face) and got myself some lunch. I ate while I continued to nonchalantly drive toward the city. I could hardly focus on my fries, though. My thoughts kept drifting to the chain and key underneath my hoodie. I'm really putting a lot on stake by assuming the thing this key goes to is in (Y/N)'s house. If I'm wrong, I don't know what my next assumption is. Maybe something in the White House? Augh, I don't know...

I begin to fret over how I'm going to get into the Murphys' house. Am I supposed to knock on their door and force them to let me in? "Hey, Murhpys! Let me in! Your dead daughter told me to find something, and I think it's in your house! Out of my way!"

They'd call the search and rescue hotline, or maybe even a psychiatric ward! I can't let them know I'm there. It'll be hard to sneak in, though. A rich family like theirs probably has a million security devices on every window. I guess I'll figure it out once I get there.

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