Chapter 1

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One year ago today the government had corrupted.

For the past five years scientists had been hired to test out chemicals in genes, 'a way to make the population stronger' they said. The New Generation.

What they had actually meant was to turn them into soldiers.

Around that year ago, people started to go missing. No one knew where for a while and it had been terrifying. Lock all doors and windows, carry a means of self defence with you wherever you went. Make sure your friends were safe. But otherwise, carry on as if nothing was happening.

That was so damn British it hurt, reverting back to the 1930s where your image meant everything. Keep calm, and carry on. Even though pretty much every country had moved to the middle of Europe.

It took a few months before the information about all the missing people had been leaked, and what had happened to them. Some amazing spy sent into the government who now, God bless his soul, was dead after being discovered.

The scientists had found a way to increase growth, in muscle, height, all whilst being able to tone down the amount of free will a human had. Turning humans into the perfect toy soldiers, ready to make an army almost indestructible as they controlled the world.

Long live the king and all who rein under him. Not like he knew any of this was happening before he was murdered. Oh no wait- it was a heart attack. Now the government ruled, no one wanted to rule any more when the chance of death that came along with the job was imminent.

But as soon as this information had leaked, the rebels took action.

The country had been divided up for a long time, centuries of people lumped behind one wall or another. 'To keep people safe' from The Outside World they said. But the only problems out there were wild animals and the sea. And they were far enough inside the country to be safe, not to mention the specialist hunters to get their food.

5076 and the world was a mess. No one was safe from their future of no freedom.

Well they would have been, if it hadn't been for the Unlisted. They had started evacuating people, moving them to somewhere considered safer. Behind another wall.

The worlds population had been split up into five sections, wrapped up in one huge circular wall. Nicknamed 'The Great Wall', to go with its theme of 'ultimate protection' and pretentiousness. One third across was where the government hid- wall A. Opposite them on the other side of The Great Wall was wall B, where the unlisted had made base. In between on the left and right there were walls, strictly built for agriculture. Each side controlled one each, and they were heavily protected. If either side lost that- death would be imminent. Those sections were also the only place with a gate to leave The Great Wall. Then, there was the middle. That used to be just general living condition, a small city, nothing more. Now it was battlefield.

Everyone who lived within these walls were survivors. The population had decreased a lot before the walls had been built, a disease had caught up and killed many people, hauling everyone else away towards the centre of the country, all circled in one big wall, divided off as seen necessary.

However, ever since this happened, you could tell the difference between the people living behind which wall. Anyone behind wall A had better education, food, and pretty much everything. Anything further than that was considered less important.

Which was how the disappearances happened. The government dogs would head through the gates late at night, grab some victims and carry them back to their territory, behind closed doors and into the laboratory. If you screamed, you got shot on sight.

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