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Peace. Something many can't find. Peace isn't perfect and it's never completely there. However, maybe finding your own little bubble of peace is the best you can do?

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One such bubble can be found in the forests of Konoha. A married couple, late into there years lived there. Both retired and old war veterans, they survived by the presence of each other. Somethings still haunt them to this day but they had each other to get through it.

By now, wise with age, many would think they knew everything. But in reality, the older you get, the more you realize how little you know. And the couple new that. It was something they pondered often.

There life was in no way perfect but as they aged and there bones grew old and frail, they where happy and grateful for the life they had lived. They where grateful for the time they had together and would never change any part of it.

The couple spend many hours, doing simple chores together, along with sipping tea and watching the wildlife. Simple things like this where enough to entertain them and never failed to put a smile on there face.

Jasmine green tea was there favorite and they would always pick herbs from there garden to make it. They had more to there small garden. They had a whole section of herbs including basil, jasmine, chamomile and many other things. The other half of there garden was filled with other things, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, garlic and onion.

The garden had a large variety but they grew just enough for the two of them. It was simple but hard work to maintain the garden. Something they didn't mind doing.

Some days would pass with out a word spoken to each other but they understand everything that the other wanted them to know. Guilt from the past would sometimes flout up to the surface of emotions but it was fine, the guilt was fine because they had each other.

Other days would be filled with the sound of childish screams, big smiles and crazy story's, when there children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren came to visit. It was days they enjoyed very much.

They had very little but it didn't bother them. There house was traditionally set and very simplistic. They had just enough for the two of them, and of course there dog. She was a retired ninken, given to them after her owner - a close friend and teammate of there's - died in battle. In her dying breath, she told them to take care of her dog until she grew old and died. And they did.

Both them and there dog, weak from age, lived in that forest, together. They knew there time was coming but they didn't mind. They where ready to die and had no reason not to. They did what they needed to do in this life. And as the years went by and the three of them slowly and peacefully passed away, all was still alive in that forest. All was still alive in that old house. Life continued, just not exactly the same.

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And that peace was found there, just a little different than most. Special to them and there ways.

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