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Lenny hadn't left Ruben's side since she came to the hospital. The only exception to this statement came when Ruben left to get his surgery done, and even then, she waited by his empty hospital bed, her jittery legs shaking in anticipation of his safe return. She prayed for his procedure to go smoothly and effectively. She only left the hospital room once, to go home, shower, change, and grab something to eat and somethings to keep her occupied as they waited for news on his surgery. She brought Lavinia back to the house with her, knowing the teenage girl needed some fresh air, some time away from the heavy atmosphere of the hospital.

The two girls grabbed some books, some puzzles and whatnot to keep themselves occupied and, just before they left, Lennox snagged Ruben's PlayStation Vita off the couch, predicting that the boy himself would need something to keep himself busy as he rested and recuperated on his hospital bed following his surgery.

Upon their return to the hospital, they waited with Issac and his mom until Ruben came back from surgery. He was still unconscious; the doctor had stated that he would most likely be awake by tomorrow morning, if not earlier. Lennox subconsciously took hold of Ruben's hand, using her free hand to flip the pages of the book she read while her other hand lovingly squeezed Ruben's.

She'd suggested to Julie and Isaac that they go home and have some rest; they'd been in the hospital nearly the whole day and looked tired beyond belief. Isaac jumped at the opportunity, having to force his mother to leave the hospital for her own good. They'd told Lenny they'd be back in a few hours, once they'd showered and rested for a bit. She happily stayed back with Lavinia, the two girls speaking softly as the night sky progressed through the large wall of windows beside them.

Eventually, even Lavinia had fallen asleep on the two-seater by the windows, curling up as Lenny shrugged her jacket off and laid it over the younger girl. She returned to her book, flipping through the pages, trying to find some sleep in between the lines. But, sleep never came. She read through nearly half the book before a tug at her hand pulled her attention away.

It was nearly three in the morning when Ruben started to wake up. His hand twitched in Lennox's once again, making the girl's eyes glaze over his figure as his eyes slowly fluttered open.


"Hey, Rubes. You're awake. How are you feeling?"

"Sore," he mumbled as he tried to shift positions on the bed, the action making him wince. "What time is it?"

"Three am. The doctor said you wouldn't be up till morning. Try getting some sleep."

Ruben tried to follow her directions, finding it difficult for him to catch up to sleep. He restlessly tossed and turned in bed for the next half hour, until he opened his eyes, stared at the ceiling of his hospital room and sighed.

"Can't sleep?"

"No." Lenny reached down into her tote, pulling out his portable PlayStation and handing it over to him. He stared down at the gaming device, speechless and thankful for Lenny so graciously bringing it for him.

"I figured you might get bored," she shrugged, going back to her book after catching the charming smile he threw her way.

It was quiet for a moment or two, maybe even forty-five whole minutes, until Ruben spoke up again.

"Come back," he said, cutting through the thick silence of the room.

Lenny's eyes shot up from her book, meeting his deep brown eyes. "What?"

"Come back. Come home, Lenny. I miss you. I need you."

She glanced over at Vinni, who was still soundly sleeping on the small couch, before turning back to Ruben. She put her book away, figuring right now, at 4 am in a hospital room, was where this inevitable conversation was going to take place.

"I can't just do that, Ruben."

"Why not?"

"It's complicated."

"No, it's not," he told her. "Come back. I need you. We have a house together. We're supposed to be getting married, not spending the night in separate beds, not in a fight... So, just, come back."

Her brows furrowed in anger, though it was drastically decreased due to his fragile state. "You want me to come back because we have a house together and we're meant to be getting married?" She didn't think he understood what the break was meant for, until he spoke next. First, there was a long pause, the only sound being heard was the rain hitting the windows and the crack of thunder every once in a while.

"I haven't been able to sleep since you left," Ruben stated, his voice barely above a whisper as he stared at a blank spot on the bed. "I can't. Not without you there. And when I wake up in the morning, there's no one laying beside me, no warmth. I come home to an empty house and you're not there. I went to another fucking continent and my heart just ached more for you. And I—" He was tearing up. Even though Lenny wasn't looking at him, she could hear the lump in his throat. "I'm sorry I said that about Jesse. I didn't mean it. Of course I didn't mean it; I don't know what came over me. It won't ever happen again. I'm sorry. Just please, baby... come home."

Lennox was fighting off her own tears. Hearing him speak with such sorrow in his voice made her own heart ache. She found herself reflecting on their time apart. On Rebekah's cruel but necessary words.

"It wasn't fair of me to just walk out like that. I should've told you what was bothering me instead of just bottling it up. I should've stayed. We should've worked it out. I'm sorry, too." He looked over at her, the hope in his eyes growing bigger and bigger by the second. "But you were in the wrong, too. You should've spent more time on our relationship..."

He nodded his head vigorously as she continued to speak, waiting for her to finish off her short speech the way he wanted her to.

"You have to put in more effort, Ruben. Because if I come back, it's not because my names on the lease or there's an engagement ring on my finger. It has to be for us. Because you want to fight for us just as much as I do."

She didn't get a wordy response from him, like she expected. Ruben tugged hard at her hand, pulling her out of her seat and leaning over him in his bed. He cupped her cheek, softly pressing his lips to hers. Lennox didn't realize how much she missed his kisses.

When they pulled away, he slid to the side and made some room for Lennox on the bed. She laid beside him, letting him wrap his arms around her. "For us," he promised. "I love you. I'm never letting you go."

"I love you, too," she mumbled against his chest, feeling the love practically radiating off of him.

LENNOX ▸ RUBEN LOFTUS-CHEEKTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon