your mine

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/ I am Sooo sorry for taking forever to update !

Anyways here's

@XxNalu_ShipperxX  Request !


Gray repeatedly plunged his knife into the head of a maiden . It wasn't a pretty sight . Crimson liquid flooded the goddesses skull , and her cries for help were heart breaking , and would send anyone into tears .

❝ N - No ! Stopp - GAHHH !❞ Her scream was heard within miles , as tears streamed down her pale cheeks , mixing in with the scarlet liquid what we know as blood .

The man just stood there , a sadistic smile on his face , as he cackled . " I warned you Touka , stay away from my Senpai - sama . But you didn't listen , so consequences must come . Oh , and say hello to my father for me , will ya ? " The man's voice boomed , as he gave one final blow to the head , and the Toukas eyes dulled , as her head fell to the ground , and she faded from the world .

Gray's stood up , and brought the knife up to his vision , as he smirked , and started licking the blood off of it .

❝ I hope Natsu - Sama will be happy when he sees what i did for him . ❞ His grin grew , as he started walking away from the corpse .

. . .

Natsu was indeed not happy with the news

It was school time again , exactly 8 : 13 , Two minutes till bell signaling class to start in four .

Of course , within this time people where gossiping around , one topic seemingly gaining the attention of the one and only Natsu Dragneel

❝ Did you hear there was another murder last night ? Touka this time , Apparently she was killed in the ally . ❞

❝ Really ? Such a bummer too , she was such a hottie ! ❞

Natsu gulped , no one else saw the pattern , but he did .

All the people murdered ? They all revolved around him .

Sting ? Ex boyfriend , still great friends after breakup . Loke ? His best friend that flirted with him . Gajeel ? Thought to be gay , and in love with Natsu , though neither were true , though only the two knew it before Gajeel was gone . Heck , even poor sweet Mira was a victim too .

His grip tightened around his backpack strips (a / n is that what it's called ? ) as he strolled down the halls of his high school .

What was this murderers goal ? Did they have some sorta grudge on him to go as far as to murder the ones he cared for ? Why ? It just didn't make any sense ! He was going crazy just thinking about it !

Finnaly , the bell rang . Natsu started making his way to his first period . Math .

He took his assigned seats next to his best friend girl , Lucy Heartfillia . She was one of those rule breakers who never sat where she was told , he didn't really give a fuck though .

Lucy sighed , as she banged her head on her desk . ❝ Gosh Natsu ! The murders just don't stop ! ❞ She complained , as she sat back up with a pout on her face . ❝ Like , with all these murders , all from our school , why do we still attend fucking school ? ! ❞

Natsu groaned as he repeated his principles earlier words . ❝ Because the murders don't happen inside the school , and our education is required , blah blah blah . ❞

Lucy sighed . ❝ I wish I could just lock myself in my room like the weekends , that be nice . ❞

Natsu nodded in agreement , as he sighed . He had a aching fear in the pit of his stomach that the murderer was coming after Lucy sooner or later , and he just couldn't bare it . He was going to lose his sanity .

As the teacher went over the days instructions , the class all groaned at the words ' Suprise quiz ! ' .

❝ Damn it Lucy , I didn't study with everything that's going on ! ❞ Natsu pouted . ❝ Im so failing this . ❞

Lucy giggled . ❝ Pftt . I never study . ❞

Well that was true . Made Natsu feel a little better about himself , but it wouldn't help later when he showed his dad his report card , and got grounded for failing grades .

As his quiz hit his table , a groan left his mouth . He didn't understand anything !

As he looked over some questions to see if he can figure anything out , he ended up circling random questions as no answers came to mind .

He that stood up and walked over to the teacher , and sat his paper upside down on her desk , and went back to his seat .

As everyone began finishing up , the teacher than cleared her throat .

❝ Ahem . As you all know our sweet beloved Touka had passed away last night , another victim . ❞ She started , and everyone's eyes went towards the now empty desk . ❝ Would anyone like to take a minute to say anything to , or about her ? ❞ The teacher asked .

After no one spoke up , Natsu sighed standing up abroadley . ❝ I'm sorry Touka . . You didn't deserve to go . . You were such a kind woman , and it'll be wrong in the world without you here . ❞ He said , as he then sat down .

❝ Thank you Natsu . ❞ The teacher said , as she turned back towards the chalk board and started writing a math question . She did this everyday as their exit ticket .

Lucy quickly started doing it , as Natsu stared at it not understanding it .

Lucy then passed hers to him . ❝ Copy mine , i copied off of Gray . ❞ She said , as she pointed to the smirking male a few seats down .

Lucy shivered . ❝ Wonder what he's smirking about ? ❞ She asked , and Natsu shrugged .

Natsu then looked at her answer , and quickly scribbled it down .

. . .

It was the end of the day , and Natsu was walking down the alley to his house . He quivered never liking the dark and quietness of the alley .

❝ Natsu ~ Sama ~ ❞ He suddenly heard , as hot breath was felt on his neck . He stiffened , eyes wide as he slowly turned around .

❝ Gr -

And darkness .

. . .

When Natsu finnaly came to it , he woke up to find himself in an unknown bed . Frantically looking around , he jumped up trying to escape the pink bedding , as he was suddenly brought back down by force .

Looking down he saw his hands in hand cuffs attached to the bed .

Natsu whimpered . Eyes watered . What the hell was going on ? !

Suddenly he felt something wet drip on his forehead . He slowly and shakily looked up .

He screamed .

He screamed in complete terror and heart break .


His dad .

The dad that was there for him when his mom and everyone else passed on

Attached to the roof , drenched in his own blood , and cuts and bruises everywhere . His head head hanged down , lifelessly .

That's cause he was lifeless .

Dead .

Gone .

He was one if the only people he had left , and now Igneel was gone too .

❝ I hope you liked my suprise Natsu ~ Sama ~ ❞

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