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Taehyung took jungkook to every famous place in Daegu. Jungkook was mesmerized by taehyung.

In fact, when he looked closer, he felt his face pretty familiar

Maybe, something like he has seen before but he shrugged the thought off and continued to listen to taehyung's shy yet deep voice talking about the famous landmarks of Daegu.

"So taehyung. Where do you live?" Jungkook asked out of the blue and he saw taehyung had stopped walking

"I-i live in the Daegu pa-park street" taehyung stuttered out

Jungkook smiled and nodded his head.

"I'm hungry, shall we go and have something? I'll treat you since you've helped me around Daegu" jungkook smiled and taehyung shyly shook his head

"Come on Tae, let me treat you for being this nice to me on our first meet"

"It's ok-okay, jungkook. We have to go home too. And it's gonna be late" taehyung excused

But jungkook was stubborn

"We're not going unless you and I have lunch together" jungkook said as he crossed his hands over his chest

Taehyung giggled at him before crossing his own hands over his chest

"Bye then" taehyung said and started to walk away from jungkook.

Jungkook was a bit disappointed or surprised that taehyung actually started to walk away yet being the stubborn man he was, he sat on the edge of the bridge which they were on, hands still crossed over his stomach and a frown etched over his face

Taehyung took small steps, something inside him stopping to walk any further

He turned around, hung his head low and walked towards jungkook and stood in front of him, head still held low, a red blush spread over his face.

Jungkook looked from the water towards taehyung and bit back his smile as he cleared his throat and stood up

"So....where do you wanna go?" Jungkook asked as they started to walk the other way while taehyung's heart was rapidly beating

"Wherever you wanna go, friend" jungkook smiled at taehyung and taehyung looked up into jungkook's onyx eyes


No one has ever called me that

A red blush spread around his face as he again hung his head low, biting back his smile

He has a friend

Me, you and her| TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now