the fight

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Izuku pov

Ughhhhh the first day and I'm already making enemies. But this is a great chance to show off my skills. Katsuki bakugou will never know what hit him.

~time skip to late afternoon

I walked outside to a crowd of people along with katsuki and his band. He stared me down and told me.

Kacchan: "oi nerd your first"

I got my piano and started playing Michael in the bathroom.

Deku :
I am hanging in the bathroom.
At the biggest party of the fall.
I could stay right here
Or disappear
And nobody would even notice at all.
*piano plays*
I'm a creeper in the bathroom.
Cause my buddy kinda left me alone.
But I'd rather fake pee that stand awkwardly.
Or pretend to check a text on my phone.
*faint screaming*
"it's underscore deku! "
Everything felt fine when I was half of a pair.
And through no fault of mine there's no other half there.
Now I'm just.....
Izuku in the bathroom
Izuku in the bathroom at a party
Forget how long it's been.
I'm just izuku in the bathroom
*chokes back tears* izuku in the bathroom.
At a party.
I'm waiting it out
Till it's time to leave.
And picking at GROUT as I softly grieve.
Oh I'm just IZUKU who you don't know.
Izuku flying solo
Izuku in the bathroom by himself.
All by himself
I am hiding but he's out there.
Just ignoring all of our history.
Memories get erased
And I'll get replaced
With a newer cooler version of me.
And I hear a drunk girl sing along to Whitney through the door
*someone in the audience*
"I wanna dance with somebody"
And my feelings sink
Cause it makes me think
Now there's no one to make fun of drunk girls with anymore.

Now it's just izuku in the bathroom.
Izuku in the bathroom at a party.
I half regret the beers.
Izuku in the bathroom.
Izuku In The Bathroom at a party.
As I choke back the tears.
I'll wait as long as I need until my face is dry.
Or I'll just blame it on weed or something in my eye.
Oh I'm just izuku who you don't know.
Izuku flying solo
Izuku in the bathroom by himself.
Knock knock knock
There gonna start the shots soon
Knock knock knock
Oh hell yeah I'll be out soon
Clang clang clang
I feel the pressure blowing up
Bang bang bang
I splash some water in my face and I'm in a better place.
I go to open up the door but I can't hear knocking anymore.

I finished and walked away winking at my audience a bunch of girls falling on to the ground in excitement. I then smirked at kacchan. He looked shocked as I flipped the middle finger and walked into my new dorm room.

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