Chapter 1: Bad Dates.. Bad Kisser

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"Hey Kelsie.." Natasha said as she clocked in.

"Hey Nat' she said with a mouth ful of cereal with her feet propped up. 

They were both neo natal nurses on the pediatric floor. "So how was last night.." Natasha said 

"How can someone be bad at kissing. I mean it's not hard but this dude he is 33 years old and need some serious help." she said

"I take it that it didn't go well." she said 

"No.. I couldn't even get laid I was so turned off by his kissing." she said as she threw away her cereal and took a sip of her coffee.

Meanawhile about three blocks away at the NYU Fire Department Bucky was punching the punching bag. "Hey Buck.." Clint said

He did a bunch of punches to the bag. "Hey Buck you alright.."Steve said 

"How can someone be in their thirties and suck at sex.." Bucky said

"Whoa.. okay " Sam said 

"My date last night we were doing the deed she couldn't work her hips and she wouldn't shut up she was very loud with the fake orgasms. I've been having sex since I was 14 I know the difference between real and fake." he said 

"We all do." Clint said 

Bucky took the punching gloves and said "I'm about done.. and I'm about to just re enlist I'm not with Gabby anymore that was why my marriage ended in the first place." he said.

"Don't do that.. I'm sure you will find someone maybe quit using dating apps." Steve said

"Yeah okay.." he said 

Back at the hospital around lunch time Kelsie was writing in a baby's chart. Once she was done Natasha said "Hey Steve brought lunch." 

"Oh thank god I'm starving." she said 

They started to eat their lunch she started to scroll through her phone. "Do you think that I could raise a baby by myself." she said to Natasha

'Excuse me.." Natasha said

"You know like I could go have like donor sperm and make my baby in a peatry dish then have in vitro. " she said

"You do need to get laid.." Natasha said 

"What.. I was just thinking about if I could raise a baby by myself. I"m 32 years old I want babies.' she said

Natasha rolled her eyes. 

"You are losing it Kelsie.." Natasha said 

By the end of the day Kelsie was ready to go home "Bye Nat.." she said 

She got into her white BMW and headed home to her townhouse in Brooklyn. She arrived at her townhouse she parked her car in front of it. It was mid September so all the leaves were falling and changing there was no denying that as she walked up her stairs and leaves crunched under her feet. 


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