Chapter 11

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"You think we are gonna be able to leave the hospital?'

"What do you mean Dinah?"

"I bet you dinner that once Lauren is cleared to go home, Ally's gonna pop."

"Babe, that stuff only happens in the movies... you're on."

Dinah and Normani shook on it, as the walked down the hallway into Lauren's room. They had went to grab some snacks for Ally's cravings. They head Gordon and Honey laughing from the room from watching My Little Ponies

"I still don't understand this show."

"Lo, it's for the kids."

"It's literally My Little Pony, except they're fairies then mermaids then they're half human, they're making them crossbreeds."

"Technically you are to-"

Lauren threw her pillow, "Shut up Dinah."

"Mom I'm trying to watch."

Dinah grabs the pillow from the floor, "somebody's feeling better."

"Did she just call me mom? Honey you're not that grown yet, go back to mommy."

Ally laughs and takes the honey bun from Normani. "How have things been at the fire station?" She asks.

"Good, thankfully Malibu knows that one of our best is not available so no huge fires have been reported." Normani pokes at Ally's belly. "Whole lotta movement going on in there."

Ally laughs and places a hand on her huge belly. "There sure is, it's only a matter of time."

Lauren sighs, "I sure am happy that this is my last day being in this place, I'd rather not be here when the twins decide to show up." Getting up, Lauren limps to rummage through her bag that Camila brought her. She pulls out a notebook and a pen.

"Still haven't decided on a name?" Dinah asks. Lauren begins to scribble new names onto the page she had kept her favorite names. Since they have yet to know the genders of the twins, Lauren can't decide on a name. "I don't know why it's so hard for me to decide on a name, Honey was easy."

"Well that's because Ally won't let you name the twins after food."

"Really Ally?" Lauren questions, and she begins to erase some things from her notebook.

"How are you guys naming the twins anyway?" Normani asks. "The first one that pops out is mine to name, then the second one is gonna be Lauren's." Ally explains.

"Hopefully this loser doesn't pass out like she did with Honey."

"Shut up, says the one who cried after every little thing when they were pregnant."

Ally chuckles as she watches Dinah and Lauren go back and forth again. She sees out of the corner of her eye Camila walk in the room in her scrubs. "Guess who is cleared to go home!"

Lauren's eyes practically pop out of her eyes, and she points to herself. Camila laughs and nods, "Yes loser, just wait for the doctor to come and tell you what meds you're gonna get and then they will wheel you out."

Ally hugs the not so broken side if Lauren, "Looks like you'll be in the hospital room when I push our angels out." Ally kisses her cheek and starts to gather her things.

Honey hops on the bed where her mom just was, "Mom before you go home, Tiny chewed up your shoes."

Lauren groans, "Who's idea was it to get a dog?"

"Yours." Ally replies.

As everyone is helping Lauren pack up her room, Ally had excused herself to bathroom down the hall. As she was washing her hands, her stomach pulls her. She is back at the toilet, throwing up breakfast. "Guess we didn't like that yogurt huh..." she whispers to her belly.

Going back to the sink, Ally's lower region feels funny. She looks down and sees a puddle at her feet, but it isn't pee. Looking up she looks at herself in the mirror. "Ooooh okay breathe girl, breath...," she starts walking to the door,"We are just gonna calmly walk to the closest nurse or doctor and tell them my water broke."

Taking slow steps, Ally can feel pain but doesn't want to freak out in a bathroom. Grabbing the door handle, she expects it automatically unlock. It doesn't.

Ally laughs in disbelief, "Maybe I didn't do it right." She tells herself and tries to unlock the door again. Still nothing.

She jiggles the door handle repeatedly before she begins to bang on the door. "Someone help! I'm Locked in!"

Ally is beginning to panic until she hears a familiar voice. "Ally is that you?"

"Dinah! Dinah I can't open the door!" Ally yells and she sees Dinah trying to jiggle the door handle. "Okay Als don't worry I'll go get a nurse."

"Dinah wait! water broke!"

Ally doesn't get a response herself, but she's sure everyone near heard Dinah. "SOMEBODY GET THIS DOOR OPEN NOW THIS WOMEN IS GOING INTO LABOR."

Ally took a couple of steps back because she got scared Dinah would break down the door. "Dinah what's wrong?" She hears Lauren on the other side of the door. Ally was gonna yell out again but her contraction couldn't be ignored now. "She's going into labor Lo!"

"You're lying...Ally baby are you okay?"

At this point Ally couldn't keep calm, "I'm not fucking okay! I'm locked in a bathroom and I can already feel one of the twins coming!" She cries out.

On the other side Lauren was just shocked to hear her little ally talk like that. "Well um...can you just suck them back in?"

"Somebody slap her for me."

"Gotcha." Lauren feels a pain in the back of her head, and sees Normani standing behind her smiling. Lauren glares at her and limps to the door. "Okay Als we are doing everything we can, Camila is looking for somebody to break this door down."

All Lauren got in response was a scream of pain. Ally was skeptical is she wanted to do it natural, but she feels absolutely everything and she doesn't know if she can take it. She knows she's tired after the last few days haven't let her sleep well. "Lauren....I can't do this..." ally sobbed, getting anxiety from the idea of delivering inside the restroom alone.

"You gotta calm her down Laur, they're going to get her out, but for now she can't freak herself out." Normani whispers to Lauren. Lauren nods her head as limps to the door. "Ally can do this...I need you to breathe you have names for the baby?"

"What?" She hears Ally respond.

"What do you want to name the baby if it's a boy."

"I don't know yet." Ally cries out when she feels another wave of pain. "Lauren help me." Ally cries and tries to steady her breathing.

"Okay baby I need you to tell me what you want to name the baby if it's a girl."

Ally breathes in and out, calming herself down. "Charlotte...I've always loved Charlotte."

Lauren sees the crowd begin to crowd, but no help. She tries jiggling the door knob again but nothing's working.

"Lauren! I can't find anybody, the fire department said they'd be here in 10 but I don't think we have that kinda time." Camila explains.

"MOVE BITCHES." Lauren and Camila whip their heads from down the hallway and see Normani pushing Dinah in a hospital bed.

Ally hears this too and moves out the way. At full speed, Normani slams the bed into the door and knocks it down.  Ally looks up and sees Dinah on the bed, looking like she's gonna pass out. "We got you a bed!"

Camila runs around the broken pieces of wood and helps Ally onto the bed. Lauren limps to be beside Ally, holding her hand. "Okay baby, let's go meet our twins."

Dinah looks to Normani, "You lose, can't wait to see what we are having for dinner."

A/n- Miss y'all ❤️

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